[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] IAX2 integration update

It's been a while since I gave you guys an update.

I have been working on putting registration in to IAX2 in opal.  It was
an interesting design challenge to do this.  In the end I decided on
splitting up the processor class.

This is how it will look when everything is finished:

      ^         ^
      |         |
CallProcessor  RegProcessor

 Processor: Shared code for these processors and any future processor.
Also an interface to generically treat the processors -- this is useful
for other classes that just want to know about Processor not all the
different classes.

 CallProcessor: This is the processor for a phone call.

 RegProcessor: This is a processor to do registration to the remote

(Excuse my poor ascii art)

On a different note, I have been experiencing a major bug with only OSS
(not ALSA).  In about 1/3 calls I make I will get no sound read or
outputted and when I try to hangup the call I get "Media Patch Thread
Terminated".  Does anyone know anything about this? -- it's a very
strange bug.

I am aiming to get the registration and transfer support in by the end
of this week.  This would be significant chunk of this project done...

PS: Sorry about the lack of updates it has been a bit crazy with my
Grandma dying recently.

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