Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] SIP registration patch into cvs images??

Hi Alan,

Am Freitag, den 23.09.2005, 22:40 -0400 schrieb Alan Milligan:
> Is there any way to directly access the CVS repository instead of having
> to download these full images??

you can always check /usr/share/doc/gnomemeeting-opal-cvs/changelog.gz
to see which patches made it and which didn't.

If you feel more comfortable reading the diff, the version history for
the packs versioning is at

So for example you could try to read through this diff to see the
alteration between the 20050923-01 and the 20050922-04:

I know it's not yet really comfortable to browse it, but whoever feels
like giving me a helping hand with PHP and some build-log-storage,
diff-storage, wanna-build-frontend etc. please do speak up and I'll try
to explain what the current layout is. =)

Best regards,

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