Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GnomeMeeting 1.3.0 HOWTO

Le jeudi 03 mars 2005 à 18:07 +0100, Kilian Krause a écrit :
> the current gnomemeeting-opal-cvs (not gnomemeeting-cvs!) is 1.3.0 on
> the servers. If that is not what reads for you, try
> and complain to your proxy service admin.

Hi Kilian, thanks for your answer. I downloaded gnomemeeting-opal-cvs
from Voxgratia, now reads 1.3.0. But ./ still
complains about the recommended PWLib version being 1.8.4, while I
installed opal-cvs (tagged 1.9.0). Any idea?

Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi libertysurf fr>

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