RE: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GnomeMeeting 1.3.0 HOWTO

Hi, Pete,

Thank you for your reply. Now the libraries are OK.
But... Why does gnomemeeting-opal need openh323 1.15.3 ? (and pwlib 1.8.4)
Isn't it based on OPAL???
And I had a look at the code, there seems no implementation about SIP function. Did I get some wrong code?
I got the code from

Best wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: gnomemeeting-devel-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:gnomemeeting-devel-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Peter Robinson
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 12:54 PM
To: GnomeMeeting development mailing list
Subject: Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GnomeMeeting 1.3.0 HOWTO

> Hi, Damian,
> Could you tell what version of Linux are you working with?
> I am told to install "gnome-common" when I try to run I am using Fedora Core 2.

You can get a gnome-common package for FC2 from here

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