Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GnomeMeeting 1.3.0 HOWTO

> >If you want to test GnomeMeeting 1.3.0, and want it installed together
> >with GnomeMeeting 1.2.1, here is a short HOWTO.
> >
> >
> Great. Are .deb packages already available?

RPMS for Fedora Core 3 (plus srpms for those who wish to build them
elsewhere) are available at and one day I might even
make it yumable. Also these aren't dual installable with gnomemeeting
1.2. If there's enough demand I might think about it.

There's only been marginal testing with them (ie - it loads and runs
but I haven't had a network available to actually test calls).

They are also a little out of date (about a week old I think) but I'll
update them to the latest CVS in the next couple of days.


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