Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] OPAL branch + Port status

Le jeu 25/11/2004 à 03:20, Craig Southeren a écrit :

> Yes, yes, yes !
> While I can't guarantee that anyone will work on the OPAL port if the
> code is in the CVS, I will guarantee that nobody will work on it if it
> isn't. 

Good :)
> > 2) Stabilize OPAL. I have started a list of bugs 1.5 months ago and
> > reported them to Craig and Robert. No work has been done on them, I
> > don't know if it is a bad news or not. 
> I'm sorry to disagree with Damien, but work definitely *has* been done
> on the problems Damien has reported and found. While it's true that this
> work may not be as obvious or as quick as any of us like, we're all
> working as hard as we can.

Ah, good news! I have seen no CVS commits though. 

Craig, would it be possible to commit those fixes so that I can work
with a recent copy of CVS? I have seen no commits for the problems I
have reported on OPAL, and I have received no answer either for most of
them. They are descibed on the WIKI. Also, if Robert could find the time
to answer the mail I sent 2 weeks ago about the RTP session, that would
be great :)


> Robert has been working on this. He has asked several times for opinions
> from people on the possible choices for changes to the media format
> design to support video, but there were no answers. As a result, he has
> selected the design he thinks is the best one and is working on it.

That is an excellent news.

> > 	- Add Audio Codecs plugins
> This is on my plate to do, but every time I think I have the time to get
> it done, I have to do something else. Like fixing STUN support for the
> GnomeMeeting release, for example. :)

Excellent news too :)

> > 	- Add Call Hold support
> > 	- Add Call Transfert support
> I consider thse optional features.

Well, they are required, at least for H.323, for a release. At least
call hold.

 _      Damien Sandras
(o-     GnomeMeeting:
//\     FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_    H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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