Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] CVS 20041118 fail on GK registration

Damien Sandras a écrit :

Le jeudi 18 novembre 2004 à 15:32 +0100, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
Does anyone have the same problem: since my today update I can't register to my GK, Bad Password/login :-(

I think you should mail devel-list for that kind of request

Sorry, that's where I was sending it in my mind. I will never do it again ;-) Hmmh ...

, however,
the GK code has not changed since a long time, so I don't think it can
be a problem in GnomeMeeting.

Perhaps in OpenH323.PWLIB?
What kind of problem? On my laptop? My GK is up since, ooh long time, and I have another GM on another PC which is just registering fine. My asterisk box also. And till my update from this morning, it was ok.

Damien, I checked with my logs from previous days: normaly I register with my alias on GK But in my radius log, I see registration with first name/last name. I restart all radius, Gnugk, Asterisk, GM on both PC. Still the same, just CVS can't register .


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