Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Mandrake 9.1/9.2(?) packs, rel. 1

Jan Schampera <jan schampera web de> writes:

> I uploaded the first version of the packages. Location:

Hallo Jan,
  I'm sorry for my later response, but I have few comments regarding
to your spec file ...

  a) these packages doesn't meet Mandrake names

     - source package should be named pwlib-....
     - binary package should be named libpwlib1-....

     Problem: when you do 'rpm -Uvh' with your packages, old pwlib
     will stay in the system (different names, no obsoletes, ...)

  b) you should use provides, obsoletes, ... example:

     Provides: %{name}%{lib_major} = %{version}-%{release}
     Obsoletes: %{name}%{lib_major}
     Obsoletes: %{name}
     Provides: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

     Problem: like a)

  c) BuildRequires contains only bison, flex, it's not enough

     Problem: building process starts, than ends with error

  d) do not put packager in the .spec file, use .rpmmacros insted

     Problem: you have to modify spec file, place it in the .rpmmacros

  e) do not copy install target from if you don't know how
     to do it via `make install`

     (hint: make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install, PREFIX is not working)

     Problem: non standard installation, you have to check
     with all new versions, just use make DESTDIR=... install

  I have prepared correct packages for the Mandrake 10 version and you
can rebuild them safely for the 9.2 too. These packages are not
absolutely perfect, but they are more compliant to the Mandrake
RpmHowTo, which you can find here:

  Small example how to work with .rpmrc, .rpmmacros files:

[robert echelon SPECS]$ cat ~/.rpmrc
buildarchtranslate: i386: i586
buildarchtranslate: i486: i586
buildarchtranslate: i586: i586
buildarchtranslate: i686: i586
[robert echelon SPECS]$ cat ~/.rpmmacros
%_topdir                /home/robert/rpm-build
%_tmppath               /home/robert/rpm-build/tmp
%_signature             gpg
%_gpg_name              Robert Vojta
%_gpg_path              ~/.gnupg
%distribution           Mandrake Linux
%vendor                 MandrakeSoft
%packager               Robert Vojta <robert vojta linuxvoip net>
[robert echelon SPECS]$

  Take a look at my packages and spec file:

  There are pwlib packages only, I'm working on my new ftp place, so
I'll send you url where you can find openh323 and gnomemeeting
packages too.

  I hope that you are not upset, but I'm trying to help you to be more
Mandrake compliant with your packages.

Best regards,
Robert Vojta

Robert Vojta

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