Hello everybody, just being brought up this morning, we've now moved the snapshots mirrors a bit. From now on ftp.join.uni-muenster.de is phased out and being replaced by the mirror on http://snapshots.voxgratia.org/ http://snapshots.seconix.com/ is alive and kicking too. This means, there's no more public rsync or ftp mirror, but both are http. If you need (for any reason) an rsync or ftp mirror and cannot use http, please contact me off list. The new machine is located in the USA, so everybody grabbing the snapshots from America, please try switching to the new location. It might provide you with faster downloads. Thanks to JOIN for their long and helpful service and also to Craig Southeren and the Vox Gratia project who offered us this new alternative. Let's hope the transition will be easy and seamlessly for everybody. -- Best regards, Kilian
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