Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] 1st DC (1394 Webcam) Tests

Hi Toni,

That's right that next time you could compress the image a bit more as
it generates much traffic (the image being sent to all subscribers of
the mailing list), but that seems to be a first good result!!

I only can see 2 problems :
- the image is big, does it also work with the small mode?
- the sliders do not seem to have any effect

But the result seems satisfying for a first test!

And I'm sure Julien will have more comments than me about this :)

Le mar 20/01/2004 à 21:28, Toni Moreno a écrit :
> First of all thanks Johnny for quickly recompiling the packages:
> After reinstall libdc1394 & pwlib from
> I launched NM and started te config wizard. When asked for video
> manager (sorry if the translation is not correct) on page 7/9 
> there was a new one there: DC (complete list picture, AVC, DV,
> video4linux).
> Device selection offered 4 posible choices: raw1394 or any of
> /dev/video1394/[0-4]. When selecting raw1394 or video1394/0
> there was conection with the camera, and there was an error (device
> error) on the other devices.
> I have tested then switching (preferences) small and big image. 
> Everithing was resized ok. Choosing from PAL, SECAM, ... didn't do
> anyting on the image. 
> Image (local) is quite good, no jumps nor stops. The only noticeable
> thing is that a black margin is always present at it (see attached
> picture). It doesn't matter how big or small the image is, the margin is
> always there.
> Another thing: colour, brightness, contrast controls didn't do anything.
> Ok, those are just my first testings more news soon ...
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     It-Optics s.a.
v_/_    GnomeMeeting:
        FOSDEM 2004:
        H.323 phone: seconix com

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