Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Problem of Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0xdd7)!


I have seen this once as well it was with the latest GM version, no
fast start, H245 tunnling or early H245 was used.

For me so did it happen during a call I was not at the computer at the time but the transmission of data was still on and GM had crashed or was just frozen.

Note I have seen this only once and i did not run gdb so I could not
get a backtrace, if it happens again then I will repport.

I am runnning GM in gdb now in case something happens.

Cheers Johnny

Damien Sandras wrote:
When do you have this and with what version of gnomemeeting?

Le 16/2/2004, "aymui hamazaki" <hamazakiaymui yahoo com hk> a 嶰rit:

Dear all,

I have face one problem which is when i running the
gnomemeeting, there is an error prompt out:Xlib:
unexpected async reply (sequence 0xdd7)!

what's wrong with it??
can anyone help me !!!
Thanks a lots!!!

Best Regards,

浪漫鈴聲  情心連繫*
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