Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [PATCH] vfakeio modification

On lun, 2004-02-09 at 00:10, Damien Sandras wrote:
> If you don't mind adding a dependancy on GTK... That's ok for me.

I seem to remember that gtk isn't thread-safe, and that is the reason
why you need to play with gnomemeeting_thread_enter/leave around each
and every call to a gtk call. That makes it less easy to put in pwlib,
since that would make it more difficult to write a gtk app with pwlib
and that plugin...

A few remarks:
* gdk-pixbuf (that is really used by this plugin), used to be quite
separate from gtk back in the 1.2 days, but seems to have been
* it is a PVideoInputDevice plugin, hence would belong in pwlib, not
* it doesn't add a dependancy more than the other plugins: just don't
build if the dependancy isn't there, that's one of the advantages of
having plugins :-)


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