Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Small bug with the right "plugs" icon in the panel

Damien Sandras wrote:
Le mar 03/02/2004 à 01:10, Pierre-Philippe Coupard a écrit :

With the CVS Gnomemeeting, I noticed I can't answer incoming calls by clicking
on the upper-right plugs icon under the Help menu : when I do, it shows two
connected plugs, but it keeps on ringing. When I use the Connect option in the
Call menu however, it works. Disconnect with the icon seems to work however.

Are you absolutely sure that it doesn't work?
I have no problems here answering the call with the Connect menu item,
both in the panel icon, and in the main menu.

Can others on the devel ml confirm?


We had some strange things going on here as well with David,
sometimes so could he not answer the call when the popup window showed upp, first we taught it happen when the addres book was open at the same time but it was not. It seems to be random, we are still trying to find
a pattern.

I have the incoming call popup disabled (which is why I want to use the icon in
the panel). I don't know it is has anything to do with it.

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