Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Wiz bang its an answering machine

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 09:04:48 +0200
PUYDT Julien <jpuydt free fr> wrote:

> Le mar, 10/08/2004 à 21:27 -0500, Justace Clutter a écrit :
> > Guys...
> > 
> > 	I also did some quick searching for an answering machine for
> > gnomemeeting.  Right now it just says, hey you missed a call, and it
> > looks like you have to probe gnomemeeting for that.  What if, when
> > somebody called and you were not there, it could connect and transmit a
> > pre-recorded message (audio or audio/video) to the other person and then
> > disconnected after a set length of time like 20 seconds.  The responces
> > could be stored as avi or mpeg files and viewed later.  When you missed
> > a call the little telephone in the notification area could flash.  It
> > could also be set up to flash corresponding to the number of called you
> > missed.  I am not sure if this functionality is in yet or not.  If it is
> > I appologize.  I looked for the missed message notification and found
> > one email from about 1.3 years ago.  The message that was recoreded
> > could be piped through the gnomemeeting interface but there would be no
> > outgoing video or audio streams.  What do you all think about this one?
> Answering a message is probably possible. Storing an answer is probably
> more difficult, since it involves recording to disk at once.

Actually, this is exactly what the Woomera program does.

If you want hear it in action, call and read


 Craig Southeren      craigs postincrement com / craigs voxgratia org

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