Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GM and IPv6 -- short note (nothing urgent)

Le mer 22/01/2003 à 13:43, Christian Strauf a écrit :
> Dear gnomemeeting-devel-list,
> I was playing around with gnomemeeting (yesterday's snapshot) a little to find
> out about IPv6-support. Let me explain quickly, what my prerequisites are:
> - pwlib 1.4.8 installed with IPv6-support
> - openh323 1.11.4 installed with IPv6-support
> - Tested IPv6-support (as proposed in ReadMe.txt of pwlib's source-tarball)
> with the sample-programm "simple" that can be found in the directory
> openh323/samples/simple/ of the openh323-source. It worked nicely.
> I compiled gnomemeeting's snapshot with "./ --enable-ipv6" which
> worked as well. When starting gnomemeeting, "lsof -i tcp" tells me that
> gnomemeeting binds to all IPv4-addresses. I was wondering, if there's a way to
> tell gnomemeeting to bind to a specific IP? If it would be possible to pass an

That's not possible (currently) but GnomeMeeting should bind to all
addresses when starting, IPv6 and IPv4 addresses.

> IPv6-address e.g. with a commandline-parameter, this would probably suffice to
> enable complete IPv6-support. If I understand correctly, gnomemeeting simply
> uses the connectivity provided by pwlib/openh323 (except of course the
> gatekeeper and LDAP/ILS-stuff). (I'm not much of a coder myself, so please

That is a bit different, but yes, GnomeMeeting is using PWLib for
everything that could give portability problems between different
systems (threads, sockets, timers, ...). That is why, as soon as the
french guy added IPv6 into PWLib, we had a more or less working
GnomeMeeting as GnomeMeeting relies on IPv6.

> correct me if I'm wrong.) Is this difficult to implement? Something like
> gnomemeeting -i [2001:638:500:200:210:5aff:fe4c:cfd1]

No, but the right fix would be to determine with GnomeMeeting binds only
to all IPv4 addresses and not the IPv6 addresses too.
> would be great. (Of course it's more important to get the new release done
> first. I also know that Damien has this on his TODO already which I really
> appreciate. There's no hurry. This was just a thought I had today which I
> wanted to share.)
> Christian
 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com
echo '12245692587856285105409351sn[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb[q]salbxq'|dc

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