Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [Fwd: [Bug 128651] New - ILS dialog : Columns (again...)]

On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 11:53, Damien Sandras wrote:
> Any opinion about this?
> +
> +I'd suggest
> +
> +1.  Separating the Name column in two different columns: Last Name and
> +First Name;

I think it is a good idea, and I suppose it is not hard to implement, so
then one could sort the list for name or surname, which is useful.

> +
> +2.  I'd suggest removing the last three columns (URL, Version, IP). 
> +Instead, I'd place them as part of the right-click pop-up dialog, giving it
> +three options instead of just two, like this:
> +
> ++----------------------+
> +| Call this contact    |
> ++----------------------+
> +| Add to address book  |
> ++----------------------+
> +| More information...  |
> ++----------------------+

Well, I agree in that IP is not useful to the user, but I think the
version is, gives you a hint of potential problems with other
architectures/clients ;-) About the URL... not sure here, why not having
it? This is what you need to make a call, but on the other hand is
something I have never used, since GM handles it transparently... so to
me it wouldn't hurt if you get rid of it. It might be useful, though, to
be able to copy it so I can save the h323:// URL to,  let's say, my
evolution address book, or send it by mail or paste it on IRC ;-)

my 5 cents ;-)


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