Re: gnoLyX

Lars Gullik,
Thank you for your reply, comments below.
Svante Signell

Lars Gullik Bjønnes writes:
 > "Svante Signell (ERA)" <> writes:
 > | Finally somebody is taking this on!!
 > ...
 > | Now is the time to get more widespread use of LaTeX. This can be
 > | accomplished with the excellent tool LyX together with a good GUI
 > | such as gnome!! Also I would really prefer that LyX is to become
 > | part of the gnome workshop (together with GWP, GO and AbiWord). 
 > What is the gnome workshop?

Take a look at 

 > | What documentation/books do you recommend to start with?
 > To make a port to gnome you don't need any LaTeX knowledge, and
 > from your comments I guess that you already have that. I like
 > Stroustups The C++ Programming Language 3rd edition a lot, as it is
 > more as a reference work. 

Which parts of the LyX documentation/code are important?
I have an old document labeled: GUI Independence: The LyX way, dated 1
Nov 1998. Is this document still relevant/updated?

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