Re: Build Gnome from scratch !

On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 09:45 +0100, Michi wrote:
> I do not know, if you are the right person to write, but i have a question. I
> want to build Gnome 2.14 from scratch, but I do not find a HowTo, or something
> like that, that explains, in which order the packages have to be build, which
> one first, which one last. Do you know about about ? Or do you have a link ?

[this is off-topic for this list, which is about maintaining the GNOME
web site]

If you want to build the official 2.14 release and not CVS snapshots,
then you want GARNOME:

But as 2.14 isn't released yet you'll need to wait a day, or build the
latest 2.13 release.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
 PGP Fingerprint: 1A21 F5B0 D8D0 CFE3 81D4 E25A 2D09 E447 D0B4 33DF

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