Xandros promoting Linus' comments

Thought this might interest some folks here. Xandros in their latest
newsletter is promoting Linus' comments on KDE and GNOME. This is what
the write up reads:

Torvalds Lends Suppor To KDE Over GNOME

The KDE interface used in Xandros has received the full endorsement of
Linux's namesake with Torvalds proclaiming "I personally just
encourage people to switch to KDE." The debate between Gnome and KDE
centers around the balance between simplicity and functionality, with
KDE developers taking the position that more functionality is worth a
sacrifice in simplicity.

"If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it," said
Torvalds of GNOME "I do not use GNOME, because in striving to be
simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply does not
do what I need it to do."


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