Theme submission at

Hi there,
	I've tried and tried to submit a theme, but the form keeps telling me I
must fill in all fields.

Here is the submission I have been trying to do:

Theme Name: Clearlooks-DarkTurq

Category: Desktop Theme

Variation of:  N/A (nothing else available in drop-down)

Version: 1.0

Theme Author: John

URL of Them:

This is the Dark Orange theme that has been altered to a greenish-blue
color instead. I use this theme with the Tactile window border. Please
give it a try. I have used this theme since  about a week after
DarkOrange was released and have been very happy with it. I finally
decided I should share it so others can enjoy it or at the very least
share the idea with you guys.

If you could forward that on for me or let me know how to do it/when
it's working that would be great.



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