Re: Is the correct place to discuss bug/issue found on the website?

On 12 Mar 2005, at 9:15 am, laprug lahnuh wrote:

I'm a new user to GNOME, like I just installed it today. Anyway, I'm not sure if the website(s) are in CVS, so that I could look at the problem, but if you follow these steps:

1.  Go to in browser of your choice
2.  Click the link more, under latest updates section
3.  This should take you to,
4. Scroll to the bottom, of the page, in the inputbox "Number of updates to display:" change the number from 12 to 1000.
5.  You should see multiple requests, and page takes a while to load.

I'm not sure if there some caching going with what I did, but when I just tried this again to verify repro, it actually didn't take very long (I'm on a bb connection in usa). The initial time it did take a while; The inputbox shouldn't allow for user to input such a high number or at least then the results should be paged (only send X results back). Lastly, this is probably a low bug sev/priority. Thanks!

Yes, there should probably be a limit on the number of updates you can display. I will put a limit on so that there are no more than 100 items returned.

If you find any more bugs, you can file them in, using the website product and the relevent component (art in this case).


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