Re: GNOME Foundation Elections - Preliminary results

On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 23:56 +0100, Quim Gil wrote:
> Moving this message originated in foundation-list here because my answer
> would be offtopic there.
> En/na Federico Mena Quintero ha escrit:
> > So, www and planet *are* our most efficient vehicles for communication.
> Volume is not necessarely related to efficiency. Look at the most
> visited pages in November:
> The first real page is the homepage, this is normal. But then... where
> do all these users go after hitting the homepage? Strictely in
> (the "corporate" site) they go to three pages we mostly
> agree they are unnefficient:
> (missing screenshots or the visual
> tour, mentioned in the marketing and gnome-web lists)
> (being discussed in marketing, we agree that
> this page doesn't reflect what GNOME is about and needs a remake)
> (a gift of hundreds of users to
> gnome-files)
> Which is weird is that the own stats page gets more hits than these.
> This fact makes me think that the whole stats may be altered by
> non-human processes.

Yeah. See my last post to foundation-list (forgot to Cc/Reply-To) here

Taking a little different approach than above, I looked at posts
where the referrer was - these are almost 
certainly legitimate, and also tell us more about navigation within
our site.

   6536 /start/2.12/
   4021 /start/stable/
   2669 /about/
    989 /friends/donors.html
    953 /support
    908 /support/
    101 /friends/
     92 /contact/

(Excluding some URLs where the reported referrer clearly wasn't the
front page ... even in the above, not all the URLS are found ...
I don't see where the hits on support/ are coming from.)

One thing is clear is that we are getting a very low yield off of
people clicking through on 'become a "Friend of GNOME"' ... while 
Friends-of-GNOME contributions are not insignificant (thanks
people!) if we got just one of the 30 people a day clicking through
from the front page to that page a day to join as a friend, we'd
be doing way better.

Of course, since Friends says basically *nothing* about what is done
with the money, it's ineffectiveness isn't very surprising.


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