error in the GUP web site


I get this error in the "Latest Project News" section of the Gnome
Usability Project web site:

Latest Project News
-->  --> --> 
    Python 2.2.3: /usr/bin/python2.2
             Mon Aug 1 17:12:42 2005

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function
calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

   23 if __name__ == '__main__':

   24     from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import PyBlosxom

   25     from Pyblosxom.Request import Request

   26     import os, cgi


Pyblosxom undefined, Request undefined

ImportError: No module named Request 
      __doc__ = "Import can't find module, or can't find name in
      __getitem__ = <bound method ImportError.__getitem__ of
<exceptions.ImportError instance>> 
      __init__ = <bound method ImportError.__init__ of
<exceptions.ImportError instance>> 
      __module__ = 'exceptions' 
      __str__ = <bound method ImportError.__str__ of
<exceptions.ImportError instance>> 
      args = ('No module named Request',) 

Thanks for your work,

Santiago Ruano Rincón
Grupo GNU/Linux de la Universidad del Cauca

Huella digital llave GPG: 
3821 4FB5 774A 611D 31E4  B268 414B 8423 6FEC CDE0

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