Re: Rescuing


Heartfelt excuses, I really didn't expect us to get slashdotted.
I did get the go-ahead before announcing the competition,
apologies again for the inconvenience caused.


Owen Taylor wrote:
> The gimp splash screen contest
> getting on slashdot was doing rather bad things to
> while it wasn't killing the box, the load average was at 105.
> What I did to help with this was take all the images that had
> been already uploaded - (some people uploaded a *lot* of images,
> perhaps the contest organizers want to clamp down and delete some) -
> and duplicate them as:
> (etc) which are served statically from 
> /usr/local/www/
> (Yes, we now have bits of this site in /usr/local/www/,
> /usr/local/www/, /var/www/ Not ideal,
> was working under time pressure.)
> And then edited the page to turn all the inline: links into that
> form. Someone may need to do this again as more submissions are
> submitted. That person would need write access to 
> /usr/local/www/, which I've changed ownership
> on gnomeweb:gnomeweb. (Maybe should be wiki:wiki, but more people
> have access to the gnomeweb user.)
> I edited the instructions for submitting new images to say that
> you have to change the static link to inline: form when copying-and-
> pasting an existing entry. Hopefully it's clear.
> Load average is back down to 2-3, and things seem a lot happier.
> of course, things might be happier because I've screwed it all 
> up, let me know if that's the case :-)
> Regards,
> 						Owen

        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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