Re: Collected suggestions for index.html changes...

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 20:08, Steve Hall wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 12:30, Aaron Weber wrote:
> > Here is my summary of varying index.html suggestions:
> > 
> > * Move the title to a more contrasting color from the horizontal top
> >   bar, so that it's easier to read
> > * Make sure the title fits inside the horiz. bar and never overlaps
> >   the text at any size, possibly by making it an image rather than
> >   text.
> > * Right-justify the title.
> > * Narrow the spaces between the top-nav links, so they are less likely
> >   to wrap when using big fonts.
> > 
> > Any volunteers? Patches welcome!
> I'm game, can somebody point me to what I diff against? A CVS
> somewhere? The page as served?! diff -c or -u?

cvs co gnomeweb-wml,  it's the index.html in the
directory.  This file just so happens to be a flat html file--you can
save the source from your browser and make your changes.  Please use
'diff -u' to make you patch.

__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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