Re: Serving localized

In this mail I'm sharing what I have found out so far. For all my tests
I used index.html from as test page.
It is necessary to run `tidy -i -o newindex.html index.html`, where -i
stands for indent. With this command we prepare index.html to be
correctly parsed by xml2po. By passing the file through tidy the "&" at
line 78 (in the link about hackerthreads) gets translated to &eamp; that
disturbs the correct parsing by xml2po. I needed to manually change back
to "&" to get xml2po working smoothly. If this is the Right Path (tm),
we could create an ad-hoc script or some tidy/xml2po option I am not
aware of. After correct parse of the file by xml2po, you get a template
po file, e.g. index.pot. [1] I have submitted this file to the attention
of #i18n users and reinouts commented out that:
1. paragraph longer than 80 chars should be splitted in different lines
with the same msgid:
msgid "line 1"
"line 2"
msgstr "line 1 translated"
"line 2 translated"

2. try to keep urls out of the po file, because they dont need to be
3. replace 'GNOME 2.8 Released!' by 'GNOME %s Released'!, you don't have
to translate each new version. I am not sure if I completely agree with
this. It would mean we would need to force every GNOME relase with such
header ...
4. the pot isnt valid because a valid pot header is missing

I have some doubts about point 2. Any ideas? Comments on the other
points are welcome too.
Best regards,


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