Re: d.g.o language bindings page.

<quote who="Curtis C. Hovey">

> Please provide your comments and revisions regarding function,
> presentation, and content so I can create another draft, possibly for
> approval.

Very sweet, very simple, very readable and usable. Thanks heaps, Curtis!

IMHO ignore-as-necessary comments:

  * Perhaps switch references from 'GNOME 2 API' and similar to 'GNOME 2.x
    Developer Platform libraries'.

  * The 'data' bits might be better off separated out a bit, after the
    blurbs, perhaps like this:

      Foo Binding
      la la libraries and pants and things with extra sweet b0rk action,
      happy happy joy joy lolly gobble bliss bombs away.
        Rating: ENOPANTS

  * There's no explanation about the rating on that page, and... well... I'm
    not sure if I agree with putting a rating on there anyway. Explanation
    may go a long way to convincing me otherwise though. ;-)

  * A stylistic issue, which we'll have to deal with at some stage anyway;
    this list of <h3> tags and paragraphs doesn't seem well separated. Maybe
    it's just a matter of more vertical space ahead of the <h3>, or some
    shading behind them? We need a general solution to this, however, that
    will be appropriate across the GNOME sites (the stuff in default.css so
    far has specifically avoided any decisions on this front, so we could
    hash it out against decent content!)

Thanks again!

- Jeff

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