Re: CSS changes

On 13/08/2003 1:48 PM, Curtis C. Hovey wrote:

I think we should explore using em units instead of px. Since the

driver of this issue is the size of the text, the design should be using
the text's own dimensions in the solution.  I believe all gecko, IE 4+,
Opera 5+ handle em correctly.  Images are an exception, they only size
to pixels I think.

In this case, we want to size the header "large enough to display the text". Ems are not the right solution here at all, unless you know how the line breaks will be inserted. If you allow 1em of space for the links in the page header, what happens if the text wraps to a second line?

By letting header <div> pick its size automatically, we don't even need to worry about assigning a height to the header. Simpler, and less breakable.

I think we are using too much generic markup (div, p) to create the

document structure.  Your example is not necessarily representative of
GNOME Web content, but we should be using headings in banners, sidebars,
and content to distinguish the major sections of the document.  Granted
your example is a CSS proof, but it, like the developer homepage, is
inert, there are no headings, or meta content that reinforce the
important content of the page.
The example I gave was for the header/sidebar that surrounds the content of a page. I am not sure what elements you think should be used for this, given that it is not part of the main content.

I don't think it is appropriate to use a heading tag in the header or sidebar, since they are not part of the structure of the document. If you take just the heading elements from an HTML document and discard the rest, you should be left with an outline.

The header/sidebar add about as much to the structure of the document as a letterhead on a paper letter from a company -- it tells you a bit about where the letter was from, but nothing about the content of the individual document.


Email: james daa com au

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