"Contact" on the website


  looking at the gnome website again i had to realize that there ist
still this mailto-link labeled "Contact" on the main page.

  The I created a new user on my system, logged into my favorite DE (did
no changes), opened my webbrowser (which is epiphany), went to
www.gnome.org and clicked on the contact link. Then epiphany told me
"Epiphany cannot handle this protocol and no GNOME default handler is

  This shows that a non-modified GNOME behaves just like 70% (I read
this number in a german web developers newsletter about a year ago - it
was a wonderful article called "why mailto-links dont work") of the
users systems. It cannot handle mailto-links correctly by default. 

  Even if we fixed this for GNOME, we still have more than 69% of
Systems around the world having problems with mailto-links. So please
write a small contact php-script that does this (if you want me to, i'll
do) and replace this mailto-link.


PS: I know that I don't have a (public) contact form either on my site,
but I know that this is a problem and we're working on it.

Sven Herzberg <herzi gnome-de org> · Jabber: herzi jabber org
Webmaster von GNOME Deutschland    · http://www.gnome-de.org/

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