
So I finally got around to making a comp myself. I've taken some influences
and inspiration from the comps that have already been posted, added some
stuff of my own, simplified a little, etc.

This is basically the front page. The subpages would get subnavigation in the
bar on the left, where the quick links are now, and the logo would shrink on
the subpages as well. It needs some more graphics, but I didn't find much
that was terribly relevant, so I talked to Tuomas about getting some new
icons for the site as soon as he has some time. I was thinking about at least
one icon per section (in the top bar).

As usual, nothing finished, but I've tried to combine what I've seen as the
best aspects of the stuff that's been posted here up to now. The stuff in the
main content area is the most preliminary, as I've focused on the framework
and navigation stuff first of all.

Joakim Ziegler - Ximian web monkey - joakim ximian com - Radagast IRC
  FIX sysop - free software coder - FIDEL & Conglomerate developer -

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