Re: GNOME colors

So I thought I'd say a little about what the color associations I get from
GNOME are.

To me, the keyword is probably "warm". GNOME is very close, personal, it ties
stuff together. I'm associating rather freely here, this is more or less a
brain dump of a non-verbal part of my brain, so bear with me. Lush, rich,
warm colors, with perhaps a little dust, like when sun filters through dusty
air inside a library building on a warm summer day. The colors of fine wood,
old leather, finely printed books, warm sand, cream, spices, and so on.

This probably sounds weird, but I have a very emotional approach to choosing
colors and doing design. Others might not. Anyway, with these associations in
mind, I sat down and made a little color comp. It has six base colors, with
four variations of each. I didn't add black to this set of comps, since it's
kind of a given. I think this palette isn't too far, conseptually, from the
colors people associate with GNOME traditionally, in that they're all
slightly "dusty" and subdued, but they're also a little bit bolder and
stronger than the typical grayish browns. I didn't make any mockup design of
a webpage, since I think that tends to distract a little from the colors
themselves, at this stage.

I think it's great that we're actually *thinking* about colors this time,
since color choice the last time (and, I suspect, also the first time) was
somewhat of a haphazard process.

Anyway, see what you think:

Joakim Ziegler - Helix Code web monkey - joakim helixcode com - Radagast IRC
      FIX sysop - free software coder - FIDEL & Conglomerate developer

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