Re: [patch] use gnome-mount and small fixes for gnome-vfs

On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 16:16 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:

> Also, nautilus and the gnomevfs filechooser backend still needs fixing
> as they don't honor the contract (we introduced it in 2.12 I think, see
> libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-volume-ops.c:mount_umount_thread() - search for
> 'contract'). This is bad as gnome-mount now displays error dialogs on
> it's own but both Nautilus and the file chooser shows an empty dialog.
> Which looks bad. Btw, these issues have to be resolved even without this
> patch being applied.

What is that contract?  Is this in the gnome-vfs API docs anywhere?  I'm
pretty sure this is an ABI break, but I'll happily fix the file chooser
if you fix the API docs :)


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