Re: Undefined symbols during compilation on Mac OS X

Then I guess I can't expect an answer.

Here's an interim fix in the CVS version for OpenSSL users:

1. Move to the imported/neon/ directory.
2. Create a new C file and call it "ne_liteopenssl.c".
3. Include the following headers in it: <config.h>, "ne_ssl.h", "ne_private.h", "ne_privssl.h", <openssl/ssl.h> and <openssl/x509v3.h>. 4. From ne_openssl.c, copy over the struct definitions "ne_ssl_dname_s" and "ne_ssl_certificate_s" as well as the function "ne_ssl_context_trustcert". 5. Modify, adding ne_liteopenssl.c right after ne_compress.c and ne_xmlreq.c right after ne_xml.c in the NEON_*_SOURCES definitions. 6. Call: cd ../.. && ./ --disable-ipv6 <add other configure flags here> && make

Now, the build will screw up during the building of the gnome-vfs-daemon, since somebody's linking against a static library that already contains some of the object files that are simultaneously being linked separately. However, this happens after the success of linking libgnomevfs-2.0.dylib, so you can then "sudo make install" and the library, including the headers, will be installed.

The last thing you need to do (manually) is to copy over gnome-vfs-2.0.pc to ${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig. Then you have it, more or less, installed.

Hope this helps slightly,
~~ Ondra Hosek

P.S. Is any of the gnome-vfs developers actually subscribed to this list? Huh?

Glenn R. Martin wrote:
To be honest ive posted about this issue... 2 days after GNOME-VFS 2.14 came out, got no response... As soon as i get the Libs im working on universalized ill be dealing with this problems as well...

If youd like i can keep you all informed.

Glenn Martin
Project Manager
Molten Visuals
grmartin moltenvisuals com

On Apr 15, 2006, at 12:50 PM, Ondřej Hošek wrote:


I have been attempting to compile gnome-vfs-2.14.0 on Mac OS X and the linker bailed out with the following messages:

/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:

In short, this means that the symbols ne_xml_dispatch_request and ne_ssl_context_trustcert were not found. I checked the bundled Neon source (and compared it to Neon SVN) and, as expected, didn't find the source files defining said functions in the Neon source.

Next, I checked out gnome-vfs-cvs. The required files do exist but the linker bails out with the same error. After a bit of checking, I found out that some of the files from the Neon distribution were not yet added into the list in

Can this please be fixed? (I'm sorry, I'm not versed in the autotools, so I can't write a patch.)

~~ Ondra Hosek

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