Re: [Patch] Remove g_print statement

Dnia 15-10-2004, pią o godzinie 18:20 +0200, Christian Glodt napisał:
> there's a g_print statement in gnome-vfs-mime-info.c.
> The attached patch removes it.
> The g_print statement breaks my app, in which 2 programs
> communicate through stdout/stdin with a simple string-based
> protocol. One of the programs uses gnome-vfs, and libgnomevfs
> printing to stdout interferes with my protocol.
> There are some more g_print statements in different vfs modules.
> It didn't touch these. Don't know if they are actually a problem.
> Do modules inherit stdout from the process that loads them?
> I don't remember ever seeing any of the strings that these modules
> print out. Hm.
> Remember, every time you print to stdout from a library,
> God kills a kitten!

You can redirect where g_print() outputs to by setting appropriate print
handler. It may of course be the case that some other variation of
outputting function (like g_printerr()) should be used in this exact
case, but generally g_print can be easily dealt with from within apps.


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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