Re: Exposing gconf key names

> How would this work? It sounds like gconf_client_get_value(). Or are
> you suggesting that it would try to use CONF_HTTP_PROXY_HOST and, if
> that is not defined, use OLD_CONF_PROXY_HOST or something?

At first this would indeed only do a gconf_client_get_value, but app
writer not wanting to deal with gconf wouldn't have to. And abstracting
this stuff a bit would let us change gconf keys, or do some other stuff
at a later time without breaking apps using it (for example, iirc gconf
isn't thread safe, which potentially causes problems when getting the
proxy settings from the http method, fixing that may be hidden in a
gnome_vfs_get_proxy_host or something).

That was just a suggestion, maybe what I'm suggesting is just API


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