Re: GnomeVFS API gnome_vfs_mime_get_key_list() problem.


Thanks for your comments.
I just want to register a new mime-type with attached attributes for an
application. But I'd like to know first what attributes has been registered
for this mime-type.

What confused me is that some .keys files under /usr/share/mime-info
use attributes as:
  open=gnucash %f
  view=gnucash %f

While other .keys files use attributes as:
        description=MrProject project file.

Since both the "open", "view" attributes and "default_action_type",...,
attributes could be attached to a specific mime-type, then, generally, 
which attributes should be registered for a new application/mime-type.

Daniel Z.

>From: Christophe Fergeau <teuf users sourceforge net>
>To: 725eb0c8ef771c09ee <zjc99 mails tsinghua edu cn>
>Subject: Re: GnomeVFS API gnome_vfs_mime_get_key_list()  problem.
>What are you trying to do exactly ? There are higher level functions in
>gnome-vfs to get the apps able to handle a specific mime-type and things
>like that
>Le jeu 08/05/2003  05:23, 725eb0c8ef771c09ee a écrit :
>> 1. It's on function GList* gnome_vfs_mime_get_key_list (const char
>>  Then why the result is different. I've also
>> seen that it returns different results with other mime types.
>That's surprising that it returns NULL for PostScripts, I'll have to try
>> So, the problem is what exactly this gnome_vfs_mime_get_key_list() should
>> The comments with this function is confusing: return a GList that contains 
>> private strings with all of the keys associated with the mime_type.
>.keys files define attributes which are attached to a specific mime type
>(the names of these attributes are what you get with
>gnome_vfs_mime_get_key_list). Then, gnome-vfs can get the value of these
>attributes (which is a string) to get some info about this mime type,
>for example a human readable category name for the mime type (eg
>text/plain would belong to the Text Documents category), or a list of
>preferred apps/components to open this mime-type (this is what the
>various short_list attributes are used for). But you'd better avoid
>directly accessing these attributes if possible, and use the higher
>level API instead.
>> I'm confused the problems. Any comments and help are appreciated.
>Once again, what are you trying to do ? I strongly recommend not to use
>gnome_vfs_mime_get_key_list... :)
>Hope that helps,
>> Thanks.
>> Daniel Z.
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