RE: gnome-vfsmm started - progress

> From: Alexander Larsson [mailto:alexl redhat com] 
> On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Murray Cumming wrote:

By the way, I meant Uri, not Url below.

> > I feel that the whole idea of a Handle might be bit C-like. 
> Maybe these
> > methods should be part of the Url class instead, or somewhere else.
> I haven't looked closely at your c++ code, but this sounds 
> like a strange 
> thing to say. In gnome-vfs a handle is a stream instance. 
> What is C-like 
> about a stream? And doing stream operations (e.g. write or 
> seek) on a url 
> object sounds pretty strange to me.

Yes, I guess it might look more familiar to us if we renamed Handle to
stream, or at least just thought of it that way. Maybe if I do the easy
stuff someone will manage to map it on to a C++ stream-like API later.

> > There are lots of gnome-vfs functions that have 2 versions, 
> one taking a
> > string url and one taking a GnomeVFSUrl instance. I have 
> put the strings
> > ones in Handle, and the URL ones in Gnome::Vfs::Url, for 
> now. I'd like
> > it if someone else explored this too.
> Yes. This string-uri vs uri object mixup is one of the bad 
> parts of the 
> gnome-vfs API. I think the current plans are to focus more on 
> uri-strings, 
> but we really can't change much of this due to compat reasons.

Interesting. Would "uri-string" be a string or a GnomeVFSUri?

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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