Re: User services (was: Re: dict server)

Hi Kevin,

On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Kevin Kubasik wrote:

dictionaries up to date. If we are just willing to mirror another dict
site, then why not just make a DNS round robin?

I think that:

- We should simply strive to keep up with official releases of the
  freedict dictionaries and friends, not try to manage our own;

- The added value of a GNOME-controlled (or Freedesktop-controlled, for
  all I care) dict server is that we can add dictionaries for new
  languages on demand. The current gnome-dictionary default,
  for instance, only offers English dictionaries, which is a bit sparse
  when you consider the number of languages GNOME officially supports.


Reinout van Schouwen	   ***	student of Artifical Intelligence
email: reinout cs vu nl    ***	mobile phone: +31-6-44360778       ***	help mee met GNOME vertalen:

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