Our Uni should see us as more than a few quid!

I agree with Glynn... but have to admit, what else could you expect from a country so arrogant and awash with cash, only rip-off, rip-off, rip-off.  Having said that, Trinity College hosted (FOC AFAIK) last years IFSO (Irish Free Software Orgainisation) AGM, but may have had their arm twisted by one of their own lecturers involved in the group.
North of England sounds good (I've read the comments).
Glynn is right, a Uni worth it's salt should be chuffed to host an event like this for the kudos and street-cred they'd get for it.  Doesn't mean we whinge but it's a point worth making to anyone asked!

> It's also relatively fulfilling when things go mostly to plan and the
> conference is a success. I think if I were to do it again, I'd try and
> drive down the costs of the venue and hold it in a university that
> actually wanted the conference - hosting GUADEC should be a honour, not
> something that we necessarily had to pay a huge amount of money for
> [like in Trinity, Dublin].
> Glynn
> [1] Although lack of a budget was also a big deal - that one was a 
>     breakdown at the GUADEC Planning/Foundation level though.

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