RE: Creating themes for Gnome...

Am Don, 2001-11-15 um 10.10 schrieb Riswick, J.G.A. van:
> I also tried theme-ing different gtk widgets, but it
> didn't work. Could you post this test theme? Then 
> I would be shure I'm using the right syntax!

Ok, the idea of the test theme was originally from Kevin D. Knerr. I
added a full blown widget list.
Alexander Werth

# This test style makes it *very* easy to see what's affected by a given widget

style "test" {
   fg[NORMAL]           = "#ff0000"
   fg[PRELIGHT]         = "#00ff00"
   fg[ACTIVE]           = "#ff00ff"
   fg[SELECTED]         = "#ffff00"
   fg[INSENSITIVE]      = "#00ffff"
   bg[NORMAL]           = "#cf0000"
   bg[PRELIGHT]         = "#00cf00"
   bg[ACTIVE]           = "#cf80cf"
   bg[SELECTED]         = "#cfcf00"
   bg[INSENSITIVE]      = "#00cfcf"
   base[NORMAL]         = "#af0000"
   base[PRELIGHT]       = "#00af00"
   base[ACTIVE]         = "#af00af"
   base[SELECTED]       = "#afaf00"
   base[INSENSITIVE]    = "#00afaf"
#  bg_pixmap[NORMAL]     = "background.xpm"  

# First we declare our default style and assign it to the base class

style "bgdefault"
    font = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"

    fg[NORMAL]          = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 }  # normal text, check
    fg[PRELIGHT]        = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.82 }  # prelighted text, check
    fg[ACTIVE]          = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.82 }  # selected option text, radio
    fg[SELECTED]        = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.82 }  # selected list item text
    fg[INSENSITIVE]     = { 0.30, 0.30, 0.30 }  # insensitive text

    bg[NORMAL]          = { 0.94, 0.94, 0.94 }  # unfocused DeskGuide windows
    bg[PRELIGHT]        = { 0.78, 0.88, 1.00 }  # focused DeskGuide window
    bg[ACTIVE]          = { 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 }  # DeskGuide background
    bg[SELECTED]        = { 0.91, 0.95, 1.00 }  # selected list item
    bg[INSENSITIVE]     = { 0.96, 0.96, 0.96 }  # insensitive button face

    base[NORMAL]        = { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 }  # text widget background
    base[PRELIGHT]      = { 0.42, 0.60, 1.00 }  # prelight selected check/radio
    base[ACTIVE]        = { 0.66, 0.82, 1.00 }  # active checkbox
    base[SELECTED]      = { 0.78, 0.88, 1.00 }  # selected text
    base[INSENSITIVE]   = { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 }  # combo box background

# If we apply the Xenophilia engine to the default style, the GtkFrame text
#   gets munged in unappealing ways (mostly because this theme uses a light
#   background).

style "xenoengine" {
    engine "xeno" {
	scrollbar_dimple	= true
	stepper_ends		= false
	stepper_arrows		= false
	shine			= 1.5
	shade			= 0.587

#widget "gtk-tooltips*"  style "tooltips"

class "GtkObject"       style "bgdefault"

# Method A:
#class "GtkObject"      style "default

# Method B:

## Level 1 widgets (GtkObject children):
class "GtkData"           style "xenoengine"
#class "GtkWidget"        style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkCalendar"       style "xenoengine"
  #class "GtkContainer      style "xenoengine"
    #class "GtkBin"             style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkAlignment"       style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkAspectFrame"     style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkButton"          style "test"

      #class "GtkFrame"           style "xenoengine"
      #class "GtkFrame"          style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkEventBox"        style "xenoengine"
      #class "GtkHandleBox"      style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkHandleBox"       style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkInvisible"       style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkItem"            style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkScrolledWindow"  style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkViewport"        style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkWindow"          style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkBox"             style "xenoengine"
    #class "GtkCList"          style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkFixed"           style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkLayout"          style "xenoengine"
    #class "GtkList"           style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkCList"           style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkList"            style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkTree"            style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkMenuShell"       style "xenoengine"
    #class "GtkNotebook"       style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkNotebook"        style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkPacker"          style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkPaned"           style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkSocket"          style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkTable"           style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkToolbar"         style "xenoengine"
    #class "GtkTree"           style "xenoengine"

  #class "GtkDrawingArea"    style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkDrawingArea"     style "xenoengine"
  #class "GtkEditable"       style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkEditable"        style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkMisc"            style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkPreview"         style "xenoengine"
  #class "GtkProgress"       style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkProgress"        style "xenoengine"
  #class "GtkRange"          style "xenoengine"
  #class "GtkRange"          style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkRange"           style "test"
    #class "GtkScale"        style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkVScale"      style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkHScale"      style "xenoengine"
    class "GtkScrollbar"     style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkVScrollbar"  style "xenoengine"
      class "GtkHScrollbar"  style "xenoengine"
  class "GtkRuler"           style "xenoengine"

  class "GtkSeparator"       style "xenoengine"
  #class "GtkSeparator"      style "xenoengine"

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