Re: Problems viewing Themes

>There are a bunch of .cfg files and a 'pix' and 'sound' subdirectories.
>Now that you mention it, the I downloaded the themes from
> under the 'Enlightenment' section. Do these not
>work on Gnome?

Enlightenment is a window manager, so its themes are for window borders and
such. For widgets (menus, buttons, etc) you need GTK+ themes. Some times you
can get themes in pairs, one for GTK+ and a similar one for a window manager
(the look is more coherent).

To get themes for lot of things (window managers, widgets, prompts) I would
visit instead of Tucows. Lot of sections (e, sawmill,
gtk, etc), with instructions to use the files, even how to design your own
themes. I dunno about Tucows, they maybe could be good, but I doubt, t.o
seems to be the "official" site for Unix related themes.


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