Re: The concept from MUI (Amiga)

Raster wrote:
> ->
> ->  This means many widgets will be build on top of a bunch of styles. So
> ->  the visual configuration
> ->  will be that each style has a specific configuration window for his
> ->  style, and the user
> ->  will set the values very fast to new widgets that are build on these
> ->  styles.
> good ideas (eg if you have a wood grain texture it just inherits the
> same texture positioning et.c in the child widget).

This also means, Frames, Buttons, Notebook, Toggle-Switches ... all they
a Borderstyle. This Borderstyle has two main differences - textured
themes or
drawing styles (like in postscript you could implement a
border as your personal buttons for example) -
I donīt know how to make it real "border"-sensitiv to events. Any ideas
perhaps the shape-extension could help ? (i donīt know at the moment)

So widgets are a set of styles or specific graphical "hard-coded" stuff
sound-equilizers. So the configuration goes :

1. choose a specific widget-class out of the list (button,
toggle-button, tooltip...)
   2. list of styles that are implemented in this widget-class,
      3. configuration of the style (code is in the style-class)

and every tool should get a signal to rebuild on the top of the new

and thats what the standards are since 1993 on amiga :) and it shouldnīt
be forgotten,
it even more should be conserved to linux :)

> ->  The next step is to give normal users the ability to change the look ( &
> ->  feel ?)
> ->  with a visual tool. This should take a central position in the whole
> ->  concept.
> ->  Every new widget should have a "config callback"-like section
> ->  implemented.
> ->  This means, a programmer writes a new widget with this section,
> ->  describing
> ->  the possible configurations, and the user can configure the look
> ->  and feel. Think of a "cd-player" widget. You install it, and the next
> ->  step
> ->  you will do is, calling GTK-MagicConfig (example name :) ) and select
> ->  the new
> ->  widget-class and you get a specific config-screen for this widget, done
> ->  by the
> ->  widget-programmer.
> ->
> ->  After configuring, every gtk-application should look new.
> ->
> ->  Another thing to do, is that all tools should check a central
> ->  configuration file.
> ->  (for example .gtkrc in $home) so that new installed tools will always
> ->  look like
> ->  the user configured his GTK to default. But any specific tool should be
> ->  reconfigurable to
> ->  another look.
> Yup.. thats the idea.. the theme/settings are "global"

ofcourse, you as the user once decided to tell how your applications
should look like,
and after that every gtk-tool (gnome-tool) will present its
user-interface in this style

> ->  I hope to help with this project, especially bringing more power in GTK.
> Well what needs to be done is 1. all drawing functions extracted out of
> all widgets in gtk into a separate library (.so) - this means per
> widget we'll probably need:
> _int
> _destroy
> _draw
> functions - per widget (lets not discuss the init function that gets
> claled in gtk_init - we can assume thats obvious). on dynamic theme
> change all widgets have a destroy fucntion called (this onyl destroys
> the theme/drawing paramns) then new functions are loaded into the table
> and  init and draw is called again. - but thats dunamic.. lets just
> leave that alone for now.

i just wanted to start writting a new widget called button2 as a
test-bed to implement the
first real styles and to have it seperated

> all gtk widgets need their drawing code cleaned up so there is only 1
> drawing function and it is the onyl drawer called for a widget (unlike
> the current case). then we need to take all gtk's currrent drawing code
> and put it into a nice fat .so and thta is the "gefault gtk" theme - we
> then need to build as you suggest above a new .so that provides extra
> functions.... this can be bult out of the "default" gtk .so drawer
> theme. This si a reaosn I'm working on Imlib so it's ready to be put to
> this functionality.

hmm... i thought more about implementing a complete set of different
into one .so and the current look of the buttons e.g. are exactly one
specific style 
(for example the default theme) - so you havenīt got many .so for each
style, more
you have a real tool-kit for the visual experience - the themes support
will be completely
done in the borderstyle-configuration , there you will have a
config-frame where you can
load for each corner a specific pixmap (tiled, streched,
aspectratio-streched) or
you select a drawing-style ... 

Ofcourse, styles must be modularizable, so that i can extend GTK later
on with a little .so
that holds new widgets and styles that doesnīt exist.

> ->  Iīm coding in C/C++ on Linux/Intel.
> Well we need people to actually code stuff. I will get to this pronto
> once imlib stuff is settled. If you wish to start I'd be glad to help
> and work with you.. it is going to be a mammoth task to extract all the
> drawing code... and thats not accounting for being able to rearange
> widgets like scrollbar arrows etc.

I know, well if you are interessted, captain bifat/tek is actually
coding the render.library
and guigfx.library on amiga in assembler/c - it is a fantastic thing, it
makes all the
renderstuff as fast as possible, with dithering , texture-mapping as
fast as
ever possible on 68060 - we thought about porting the assembler 68060
code to c, but he
has no time at the moment and it could be very tricky - if you are
interessted in techniques
he used for his libraries contact him (at our homesite
the intension for this was the same like your imlib, therefore many
tools running now with this,
think of a 3d-cube-pictureviewer where you drag-n-drop picture-icons
that are loaded via datatypes
as textures on the cube in realtime, with fully-sizesensitivity to the

Ok, raster, i hope we can this huge project starting. 
I will get more detailed in gtk in the next days, and i will think about
the implementation 
of styles... perhaps you have any ideas

so long,

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