[gnome-summary] Addition of <translation-stats> to XSLTs

Hi all,

This is a patch that adds support for the following in the Gnome Summaries.

  <language rank="1." translated="100.00" changed="0.25">Polish</language>
  <language rank="2." translated="99.99" changed="1.03">Czech</language>

I'll submit this kind of data on time automatically (it's mostly
ready, I just need to add a crontab entry for it to happen
automatically), and I may even commit them myself into CVS.

(<translation-stats> goes last, before <apps> if they're present.)

So, you may notice that this is all mostly preformatted, but since
I've already have a program doing most of the work, I thought it'd be
wiser (and faster) not to have read all of XSLT specification just to
get this to work (i.e. a rank should probably be ommitted, but it's
easier this way).

The HTML and TXT output are provided for the sample summary of
February 8th–14th (XML, HTML, TXT).

HTML output leaves much to be desired, but I'll tackle it later on,
once the "infrastructure" is in place.  I need also to update DTD so
we may keep using xmllint for checking validity.  TXT output may also
be problematic, because I use tabs for lining stuff up.

Any comments on both HTML output and TXT output are welcome (comments
on XSLT crap I created are welcome as well, but that's understood, I
hope :).

If no problems spotted, I'll commit it later on.


diff -u gnome-summary-xml/summary-html.xsl gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary-html.xsl
--- gnome-summary-xml/summary-html.xsl	Wed Feb 18 02:05:41 2004
+++ gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary-html.xsl	Wed Feb 18 02:12:44 2004
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
   <xsl:include href="summary.xsl"/>  
   <xsl:include href="cvs-html.xsl"/>
   <xsl:include href="bugs-html.xsl"/>
+  <xsl:include href="translations-html.xsl"/>
   <!-- A paragraph of text -->
   <xsl:template match="para">
diff -u gnome-summary-xml/summary-static.en.xsl gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary-static.en.xsl
--- gnome-summary-xml/summary-static.en.xsl	Tue Apr 23 01:05:49 2002
+++ gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary-static.en.xsl	Wed Feb 18 04:55:42 2004
@@ -28,6 +28,22 @@
     <xsl:text>Hacker Activity</xsl:text>
+  <xsl:variable name="str-translation-title">
+    <xsl:text>Translation status</xsl:text>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="str-translation-rank">
+    <xsl:text>Rank</xsl:text>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="str-translation-language">
+    <xsl:text>Language</xsl:text>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="str-translation-status">
+    <xsl:text>Status</xsl:text>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="str-translation-changed">
+    <xsl:text>Changed</xsl:text>
+  </xsl:variable>
   <xsl:variable name="str-cvs-header">
     <xsl:text>Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.
diff -u gnome-summary-xml/summary-txt.xsl gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary-txt.xsl
--- gnome-summary-xml/summary-txt.xsl	Fri Mar  8 08:38:57 2002
+++ gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary-txt.xsl	Wed Feb 18 05:12:48 2004
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
   <!-- Common functions -->
   <xsl:include href="summary.xsl"/>  
+  <xsl:include href="translations-txt.xsl"/>  
   <!-- A paragraph of text -->
   <xsl:template match="para/text()">
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
     <!-- Section header -->
     <xsl:call-template name="section-header">
       <xsl:with-param name="title_text">
-	      <xsl:number value="count(../article|../cvs-stats|../bug-stats) + 1" format="1. "/>
+	      <xsl:number value="count(../article|../cvs-stats|../bug-stats|../translation-stats) + 1" format="1. "/>
 	<xsl:value-of select="$str-sw-title"/>
diff -u gnome-summary-xml/summary.xsl gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary.xsl
--- gnome-summary-xml/summary.xsl	Wed Feb  6 01:36:08 2002
+++ gnome-summary-xml-translations/summary.xsl	Wed Feb 18 02:22:39 2004
@@ -29,11 +29,19 @@
+    <!-- Special: Translation stats -->
+    <xsl:if test="translation-stats">
+      <xsl:call-template name="toc-entry">
+	<xsl:with-param name="index" select="count(article|cvs-stats|bug-stats) + 1"/>
+	<xsl:with-param name="description" select="$str-translation-title"/>
+      </xsl:call-template>
+    </xsl:if>
     <!-- Special: Updated software -->
     <xsl:if test="apps">
       <xsl:call-template name="toc-entry">
 	<xsl:with-param name="index">
-	  <xsl:value-of select="count(article|cvs-stats|bug-stats) + 1"/>
+	  <xsl:value-of select="count(article|cvs-stats|bug-stats|translation-stats) + 1"/>
 	<xsl:with-param name="description" select="$str-sw-title"/>
diff -uNr gnome-summary-xml/translations-html.xsl gnome-summary-xml-translations/translations-html.xsl
--- gnome-summary-xml/translations-html.xsl	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ gnome-summary-xml-translations/translations-html.xsl	Wed Feb 18 06:02:39 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- -*- xml -*- -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+  xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
+  <!--  Translation Statistics: fully automated -->
+  <xsl:template match="translation-stats">
+    <!-- Section header -->
+    <xsl:call-template name="section-header">
+      <xsl:with-param name="title_text" select="$str-translation-title" />
+      <xsl:with-param name="index" select="count(../article|../cvs-stats|../bug-stats)+1"/>
+    </xsl:call-template>
+    <xsl:text>
+    </xsl:text>
+    <table>
+    <tr>
+      <th><xsl:value-of select="$str-translation-rank"/></th>
+      <th><xsl:value-of select="$str-translation-language"/></th>
+      <th><xsl:value-of select="$str-translation-status"/></th>
+      <th><xsl:value-of select="$str-translation-changed"/></th>
+    </tr>
+    <!--<xsl:apply-templates/>-->
+    <xsl:for-each select="language">
+      <!--<xsl:sort data-type="number" select="@translated" order="descending"/>-->
+      <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
+    </xsl:for-each>
+    </table>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- Per language template -->
+  <xsl:template match="translation-stats/language">
+	  <tr>
+	    <td><xsl:value-of select="@rank"/></td>
+	    <td><xsl:apply-templates/></td>
+	    <td><xsl:value-of select="@translated"/><xsl:text>%</xsl:text></td>
+	    <td style="text-align: right;">
+	      <xsl:choose>
+		    <xsl:when test="@changed > 0"> 
+		      <xsl:text>up </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@changed"/><xsl:text>%</xsl:text>
+		    </xsl:when> 
+		    <xsl:when test="@changed &lt; 0"> 
+		      <xsl:text>down </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="- changed"/><xsl:text>%</xsl:text>
+		    </xsl:when> 
+	            <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:text>no change</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise> 
+	      </xsl:choose>
+ 	    </td>
+	  </tr>
+  </xsl:template>
diff -uNr gnome-summary-xml/translations-txt.xsl gnome-summary-xml-translations/translations-txt.xsl
--- gnome-summary-xml/translations-txt.xsl	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ gnome-summary-xml-translations/translations-txt.xsl	Wed Feb 18 06:11:03 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- -*- xml -*- -->
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+  xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
+  <!--  Translation Statistics: fully automated -->
+  <xsl:template match="translation-stats">
+    <!-- Section header -->
+    <xsl:call-template name="section-header">
+      <xsl:with-param name="title_text">
+	      <xsl:number value="count(../article|../cvs-stats|../bug-stats) + 1" format="1. "/>
+	<xsl:value-of select="$str-translation-title"/>
+      </xsl:with-param>
+      <xsl:with-param name="index" select="count(../article|../cvs-stats|../bug-stats)+1"/>
+    </xsl:call-template>
+    <xsl:for-each select="language">
+      <!--<xsl:sort data-type="number" select="@translated" order="descending"/>-->
+      <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
+    </xsl:for-each>
+    <xsl:text>
+  </xsl:template>
+  <!-- Per language template -->
+  <xsl:template match="translation-stats/language">
+	    <xsl:text>
+	    <xsl:text>   </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@rank"/><xsl:text>	</xsl:text>
+	    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+	    <xsl:choose>
+	      <xsl:when test="string-length(.)>15"><xsl:text>	</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+	      <xsl:when test="string-length(.)>7"><xsl:text>		</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+	      <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>			</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>
+	    </xsl:choose>
+	    <xsl:choose>
+	      <xsl:when test="string-length(@translated)=4"><xsl:text>  </xsl:text></xsl:when>
+	      <xsl:when test="string-length(@translated)=5"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:when>
+	    </xsl:choose>
+	    <xsl:value-of select="@translated"/><xsl:text>%	</xsl:text>
+	    <xsl:choose>
+		    <xsl:when test="@changed > 0"> 
+		      <xsl:text>   up </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@changed"/><xsl:text>%</xsl:text>
+		    </xsl:when> 
+		    <xsl:when test="@changed &lt; 0"> 
+		      <xsl:text> down </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="- changed"/><xsl:text>%</xsl:text>
+		    </xsl:when> 
+	            <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:text> no change</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise> 
+	    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:template>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE gnome-summary PUBLIC "-//GNOME Summary//" "gnome-summary.dtd">

<gnome-summary startdate="2004-02-08" enddate="2004-02-14">

    <title> GNOME Development Release 2.5.4 </title>
		Jeff has unleashed the latest development release of GNOME.  Please help test and more importantly,
		file bugs against this release.  Remember this is a development release of GNOME and is not
		considered to be stable.

    <title> Release Update/Schedule Slip</title>
		Jeff Waugh, release coordinator for the GNOME releases gives us an update on the current
		GNOME release schedule.  The schedule has been updated to take into account a two week slip
		in our release schedule due to a less than stellar test release dependability and waiting
		on a stable release of GTK+.  Owen and the GTK+ team will be meeting next week to discuss
		the GTK+ schedule and the GNOME release schedule - which will be adapted to accommodate
		whatever plans become known from that meeting.

		Jeff states besides that, things are looking pretty solid, and the bug squad team has been
		doing a damn good job of applying bug spray to GNOME bugs.  Jeff also notes that none of
		the freeze dates have changed due to the slip.

    <title> List of GNOME Conferences </title>
		Malcolm Tredinnick, a GNOME Foundation Board Member has been maintaining a list of conferences that
		would be ideal to have GNOME represented at.  Malcolm is interested in getting a complete list of 
		conferences.  So if you have a conference that you think GNOME should be represented at.  Please
		contact Malcolm directly and send in your suggestion.
		In the future there will be a place at www.gnome.org that we can place all of the conference
		listings that will have or need GNOME representatives.   You're input will help make the
		list more accurate.

    <title> Appreciating the polish of GNOME </title>
      One of the big plus points of GNOME is that a lot of attention is paid to even the most 
      minute detail, resulting in a highly polished and integrated system. Steven Garrity takes 
      a look at some of the small "GUI perks" of GNOME, and points out some of the areas 
      where GNOME goes beyond Windows XP or Mac OS X in terms of polish and overall 

    <title> Evolution 1.5 Updates </title>
      	Evolution 1.5 now properly displays what takes place while you 
      	drag folders, messages and other things around - and it looks really nifty.       
      	There have been other updates in Evolution too especially in the documentation section and
		mailer part, where there has been a lot of bug fixes. Use the version from CVS if you
		are facing stability issues with version 1.5.3.

    <title>  BlueFOAF and Dashboard </title>
      	Edd Dumbill recently hacked BlueFOAF to talk to Dashboard. BlueFOAF discovers the people nearby, 
      	parses the FOAF information from them for useful stuff and sends it to Dashboard.

    <title> You're GNOME Experience is valuable to us! </title>
		Do you use GNOME in your daily activities? At work? At home?
		Have you had the experience of having somebody else look at your
		nice GNOME desktop and ask about it? If so, and you would like
		to share your experiences, please write to us. 
		We are trying to collect stories and testimonials from everyday
		GNOME users that will help to encourage our developers,
		documenters, testers and artists. These can also be useful in
		encouraging wider adoption of GNOME - people generally will use what
		others are using.
		Contributions can be attributed to the author or anonymous. If
        you don't mind them being used for other publicity purposes,
		please let us know that too. We will publish all reasonable
		submissions over time in the weekly GNOME summaries.
		Please send your GNOME success stories to
		gnome-summary gnome org 
		Please note, that your submissions will be tagged with the Creative Commons License
		by default.  The stories will be displayed on GNOME Summary on a week-to-week basis.
    <title> Writing Gnome Applets using Python Tutorial </title>
		Arturo Gonzalez has written a first draft of "GNOME aplets with Python Tutorial" is available.
		This is a great way of using Python to create some quick applets to do any number of things.
		If you have any comments, criticisms, and features regarding the tutorial, please contact

    <title> Gcalctool - The Next Generation </title>
		Gcalctool has been receiving a lot of love from Sami Pietila as of late.  He's been working on
		improving Gcalctool by fixing some of it's limitations.  Namely, he's been working on
		handling arithmetic operator precedence, adding expression parsing, and
		better handling of incorrect syntax of user input.  Eventually this will lead to Gcalctool
		being able to use reverse polish notation (RPN).  These are features that users have been
		requesting and now Sami is making them into a reality!
		Gcalctool-ng is still a work in progress, and is currently being worked on in a separate CVS
		branch.  You can obtain it through CVS by cvs co -r gcalctool-ng gcalctool. You can also
		get a tarball as well.  Look in the links session. 
		The team would like feedback on the changes to Galctool-ng.  So if you have a couple of moments
		to check out the tool please send some feedback to the team so they can continue making Gcalctool
		a superior tool for when you need to do calculations.

    <title> GtkFileChooserDialog now sets its size correctly </title>
		Federico Mena Quintero, the maintainer of GtkFileChooser, GTK's new
		file dialog box, sent out a public service announcement stating that he
		has fixed an important bug that set the dialog size too small.  
		People added their own calls to gtk_window_set_default_size()
		to get around this problem.  Federico requests that you no longer
		need to set your default size and you should remove it from your

    <title> GNOME Presentation Materials </title>
		Glynn Foster sent out mail regarding GNOME presentation materials.  Those of you who are planning 
		on participating in a conference and want to present talks or tutorails now have the opportunity to
		build on the work of others!  Sevearl presentations are already available.   So if there's a
		conference coming up and you want to help promote GNOME, this is the place to go.
		Reciprocally, if you have presentations that you would like to share with others, please mail
		marketing-list gnome org with the URL of the location of your presentation.  Language is no bar, 
		the foundation board will accept any presentation.

    <title> GNOME Developer Platform API Docs Updated </title>
		Matthias Clasen has put in some work to update the GNOME Developer API docs to include
		all of the libraries that are part of the GNOME developer platform.  Documentation, especially
		of the core API, is an important factor in GNOME adoption.  Thanks Matthias!

    <title>GNOME file sharing</title>
		Alvaro Pena has been busily working on a file sharing add-on for Nautilus.  The technology
		currently will use Apache or some other supported web server if it's installed on the system.
		It's an interesting feature and if you are interested in contributing or in giving
		some feedback on the current implementation, please join the gnome-network mailing
		list and participate! 
		The file-sharing Nautilus extension is available in GNOME CVS under the gnome-sharing module.

    <title> Freedesktop.org Platform Mailing List</title>
		Daniel Stone, release coordinator of freedesktop.org has set up a mailing list on
		discussing the fd.o platform. If you're interested please think of joining.  Daniel
		sent this out last week and it was not covered in the GNOME Summary and decided it would
		be mentioned this week.

    <title> Inkscape 0.37 Release </title>
	A new version of Inkscape was released today.  Inkscape includes many
	major features, bug fixes and an extensive code base clean up.  Some 
	of these includes, an SVG viewer, letter spacing, path outlining and 
	many more!  Also a tutorial for new users is included.  Download and
	let Inkscape folks know whats going on.  Looking at the screenshots, 
	the HIG work looks nice.
	Inkscape is an open source SVG editor with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, Visio, etc.

  <bug-modules open='10541' opened='690' closed='806'>
    <bug-item open='701' opened='74' closed='121'>nautilus</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='636' opened='34' closed='42'>gtk+</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='259' opened='6' closed='8'>gnome-vfs</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='255' opened='11' closed='16'>control-center</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='226' opened='12' closed='4'>GnuCash</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='221' opened='40' closed='25'>gnome-panel</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='155' opened='28' closed='25'>gnome-applets</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='146' opened='22' closed='10'>dia</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='145' opened='38' closed='36'>galeon</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='129' opened='20' closed='39'>GStreamer</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='120' opened='1' closed='0'>sawfish</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='119' opened='5' closed='15'>balsa</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='115' opened='12' closed='10'>metacity</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='111' opened='12' closed='11'>doxygen</bug-item>
    <bug-item open='108' opened='11' closed='7'>Gnumeric</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='98'>bugsqueesher yahoo com</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='54'>hailstorm fairadsl co uk</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='28'>gnome flowerday cx</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='24'>otaylor redhat com</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='22'>sven gimp org</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='21'>daniel veillard com</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='19'>alexl redhat com</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='19'>maclas gmx de</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='18'>chpe+gnomebugz stud uni-saarland de</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='18'>poobar nycap rr com</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='18'>thomas apestaart org</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='17'>padraig obriain sun com</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='16'>marco gnome org</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='16'>louie ximian com</bug-item>
    <bug-item closed='16'>ds schleef org</bug-item>
  <modules other='159'>
    <item commit='69'>gimp</item>
    <item commit='69'>evolution</item>
    <item commit='67'>gtk+</item>
    <item commit='57'>epiphany</item>
    <item commit='50'>dashboard</item>
    <item commit='46'>gnomemeeting</item>
    <item commit='44'>gimp-help-2</item>
    <item commit='42'>muine</item>
    <item commit='38'>anjuta</item>
    <item commit='35'>nautilus</item>
    <item commit='32'>balsa</item>
    <item commit='31'>gnome-applets</item>
    <item commit='30'>conglomerate</item>
    <item commit='28'>beast</item>
    <item commit='28'>gnome-games</item>
    <item commit='28'>dasher</item>
    <item commit='28'>gnome-control-center</item>
    <item commit='27'>gok</item>
    <item commit='27'>gnumeric</item>
    <item commit='25'>gdesklets</item>
  <hackers other='186'>
    <item commit='67'>laurenti</item>
    <item commit='54'>danilo</item>
    <item commit='42'>nat</item>
    <item commit='42'>arafatmedini</item>
    <item commit='40'>fwang</item>
    <item commit='39'>serrador</item>
    <item commit='38'>neo</item>
    <item commit='38'>jbaayen</item>
    <item commit='37'>rayoster</item>
    <item commit='35'>alexl</item>
    <item commit='34'>mitr</item>
    <item commit='30'>matthiasc</item>
    <item commit='28'>kmaraas</item>
    <item commit='25'>menthos</item>
    <item commit='25'>timj</item>
    <item commit='23'>dsandras</item>
    <item commit='23'>breda</item>
    <item commit='23'>aflinta</item>
    <item commit='22'>adrighem</item>
    <item commit='22'>pycage</item>

  <language rank="1." translated="99.99" changed="0.83">Czech</language>
  <language rank="" translated="99.99" changed="1.21">Serbian</language>
  <language rank="3." translated="99.94" changed="0.89">Polish</language>
  <language rank="4." translated="99.75" changed="0.83">Spanish</language>
  <language rank="5." translated="99.68" changed="0.76">Korean</language>
  <language rank="6." translated="99.37" changed="0.72">German</language>
  <language rank="7." translated="98.48" changed="0.82">Greek</language>
  <language rank="8." translated="97.98" changed="2.27">Albanian</language>
  <language rank="9." translated="97.47" changed="3.60">Japanese</language>
  <language rank="10." translated="97.19" changed="4.94">Swedish</language>
  <language rank="11." translated="96.69" changed="-0.29">Portuguese</language>
  <language rank="12." translated="96.63" changed="0.54">Norwegian bokmal</language>
  <language rank="13." translated="96.57" changed="0.07">Dutch</language>
  <language rank="14." translated="96.47" changed="4.92">Croatian</language>
  <language rank="15." translated="96.27" changed="1.05">Azerbaijani</language>
  <language rank="16." translated="93.77" changed="-0.04">French</language>
  <language rank="17." translated="92.70" changed="-0.64">Lithuanian</language>
  <language rank="18." translated="90.61" changed="3.14">Mongolian</language>
  <language rank="19." translated="88.81" changed="-0.17">Danish</language>
  <language rank="20." translated="88.11" changed="0.60">Brazilian Portuguese</language>
  <language rank="21." translated="88.04" changed="-0.02">Malay</language>
  <language rank="22." translated="87.37" changed="2.57">Italian</language>
  <language rank="23." translated="86.93" changed="3.66">Chinese Simplified</language>
  <language rank="24." translated="85.26" changed="-0.02">Catalan</language>
  <language rank="25." translated="84.81" changed="2.56">Welsh</language>
  <language rank="26." translated="83.75" changed="3.89">Ukrainian</language>
  <language rank="27." translated="82.64" changed="2.60">Finnish</language>
  <language rank="28." translated="82.23" changed="11.33">Arabic</language>
  <language rank="29." translated="80.43" changed="2.44">Belarusian</language>
  <language rank="30." translated="79.95" changed="0.67">Turkish</language>
  <language rank="31." translated="75.34" changed="-0.20">Slovak</language>
  <language rank="32." translated="73.76" changed="0.14">Chinese Traditional</language>
  <language rank="33." translated="71.35" changed="-0.14">Vietnamese</language>
  <language rank="34." translated="70.33" changed="1.69">Slovenian</language>
  <language rank="35." translated="69.80" changed="1.13">Norwegian Nynorsk</language>
  <language rank="36." translated="68.39" changed="1.40">Russian</language>
  <language rank="37." translated="66.22" changed="1.56">Romanian</language>
  <language rank="38." translated="63.65" changed="1.91">Bengali</language>
  <language rank="39." translated="60.62" changed="1.84">Hindi</language>
  <language rank="40." translated="60.52" changed="1.82">Macedonian</language>
  <language rank="41." translated="60.19" changed="0.52">Hungarian</language>
  <language rank="42." translated="58.70" changed="1.77">Hebrew</language>
  <language rank="43." translated="51.60" changed="1.56">Indonesian</language>
  <language rank="44." translated="51.35" changed="-0.15">Latvian</language>
  <language rank="45." translated="50.54" changed="1.08">Bulgarian</language>
  <language rank="46." translated="37.31" changed="0.35">Estonian</language>
  <language rank="47." translated="33.35" changed="0.79">Malayalam</language>
  <language rank="48." translated="32.57" changed="-0.52">Wallon</language>
  <language rank="49." translated="28.69" changed="0.87">Icelandic</language>
  <language rank="50." translated="28.53" changed="-0.06">Irish Gaelic</language>
  <language rank="51." translated="24.12" changed="0.73">Limburgish</language>
  <language rank="52." translated="23.17" changed="-0.04">Amharic</language>
  <language rank="53." translated="22.28" changed="0.19">Galician</language>
  <language rank="54." translated="21.65" changed="0.64">Persian</language>
  <language rank="55." translated="20.93" changed="0.63">Tamil</language>
  <language rank="56." translated="19.56" changed="-2.28">Basque</language>
  <language rank="57." translated="16.90" changed="0.82">Thai</language>
  <language rank="58." translated="12.23" changed="0.37">British English</language>
  <language rank="59." translated="11.73" changed="0.35">Nepali</language>
  <language rank="60." translated="9.61" changed="0.29">Yiddish</language>
  <language rank="61." translated="8.47" changed="0.26">Esperanto</language>
  <language rank="62." translated="4.82" changed="0.14">Kannada</language>
  <language rank="63." translated="3.19" changed="0.10">Marathi</language>
  <language rank="64." translated="1.04" changed="0.03">Afrikaans</language>
  <language rank="65." translated="1.03" changed="0.03">Bosnian</language>
  <language rank="66." translated="0.79" changed="0.02">Breton</language>
  <language rank="67." translated="0.35" changed="0.01">uz</language>
  <language rank="68." translated="0.21" changed="0.01">Interlingua</language>
  <language rank="69." translated="0.00" changed="-0.01">Australian English</language>
  <language rank="" translated="0.00" changed="0.00">Canadian English</language>
  <language rank="" translated="0.00" changed="0.00">Cornish</language>
  <language rank="" translated="0.00" changed="0.00">Gujarati</language>
  <language rank="" translated="0.00" changed="0.00">Manx Gaelic</language>
  <language rank="" translated="0.00" changed="0.00">Scots Gaelic</language>
  <language rank="" translated="0.00" changed="0.00">Telugu</language>

<desc>fax hylafax efax facsimile</desc>
<name>CVSGnome Build Script</name>
<desc>CVSGnome Build Script</desc>
<desc>pop3 filtering tool</desc>
<desc>Graphic web links checker</desc>
<desc>API docs browser</desc>
<name>Gnome CD Master</name>
<desc>CD Mastering and Burning app</desc>
<desc>Source editor widget</desc>
<desc>Synthesis/Audio Framework</desc>
<name>The GNOME XML toolkit</name>
<desc>The GNOME XML toolkit</desc>
<desc>GNOME-Mud is a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) client, which aims
to make mudding a bit easier.
It can define aliases, triggers, variables. keybind
shortcuts and has a connection wizard to easily manage
different player characters and MUDs. GNOME-Mud is the</desc>
<desc>Crystalline structures visualizer</desc>
<desc>Meld: a diff and merge tool.</desc>
<desc>Music player</desc>
<desc>A GTK+ / Gnome extension for Tcl</desc>
<desc>Vector drawing program</desc>
<desc>GNOME based genealogy program</desc>
<desc>GNOME 2 Instant messaging client</desc>
<desc>address book, pim</desc>
<desc>An easy to use address book.</desc>
<name>Gnome Chemistry Utils</name>
<desc>chemical widgets for gnome-2</desc>

GNOME Summary - 2004-02-08 - 2004-02-14

Table of Contents

  1. GNOME Development Release 2.5.4
  2. Release Update/Schedule Slip
  3. List of GNOME Conferences
  4. Appreciating the polish of GNOME
  5. Evolution 1.5 Updates
  6. BlueFOAF and Dashboard
  7. You're GNOME Experience is valuable to us!
  8. Writing Gnome Applets using Python Tutorial
  9. Gcalctool - The Next Generation
  10. GtkFileChooserDialog now sets its size correctly
  11. GNOME Presentation Materials
  12. GNOME Developer Platform API Docs Updated
  13. GNOME file sharing
  14. Freedesktop.org Platform Mailing List
  15. Inkscape 0.37 Release
  16. Hacker Activity
  17. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity
  18. Translation status
  19. New and Updated Software

1. GNOME Development Release 2.5.4

Jeff has unleashed the latest development release of GNOME. Please help test and more importantly, file bugs against this release. Remember this is a development release of GNOME and is not considered to be stable.


2. Release Update/Schedule Slip

Jeff Waugh, release coordinator for the GNOME releases gives us an update on the current GNOME release schedule. The schedule has been updated to take into account a two week slip in our release schedule due to a less than stellar test release dependability and waiting on a stable release of GTK+. Owen and the GTK+ team will be meeting next week to discuss the GTK+ schedule and the GNOME release schedule - which will be adapted to accommodate whatever plans become known from that meeting.

Jeff states besides that, things are looking pretty solid, and the bug squad team has been doing a damn good job of applying bug spray to GNOME bugs. Jeff also notes that none of the freeze dates have changed due to the slip.


3. List of GNOME Conferences

Malcolm Tredinnick, a GNOME Foundation Board Member has been maintaining a list of conferences that would be ideal to have GNOME represented at. Malcolm is interested in getting a complete list of conferences. So if you have a conference that you think GNOME should be represented at. Please contact Malcolm directly and send in your suggestion.

In the future there will be a place at www.gnome.org that we can place all of the conference listings that will have or need GNOME representatives. You're input will help make the list more accurate.



4. Appreciating the polish of GNOME

One of the big plus points of GNOME is that a lot of attention is paid to even the most minute detail, resulting in a highly polished and integrated system. Steven Garrity takes a look at some of the small "GUI perks" of GNOME, and points out some of the areas where GNOME goes beyond Windows XP or Mac OS X in terms of polish and overall integration.


5. Evolution 1.5 Updates

Evolution 1.5 now properly displays what takes place while you drag folders, messages and other things around - and it looks really nifty.

There have been other updates in Evolution too especially in the documentation section and mailer part, where there has been a lot of bug fixes. Use the version from CVS if you are facing stability issues with version 1.5.3.



6. BlueFOAF and Dashboard

Edd Dumbill recently hacked BlueFOAF to talk to Dashboard. BlueFOAF discovers the people nearby, parses the FOAF information from them for useful stuff and sends it to Dashboard.


7. You're GNOME Experience is valuable to us!

Do you use GNOME in your daily activities? At work? At home? Have you had the experience of having somebody else look at your nice GNOME desktop and ask about it? If so, and you would like to share your experiences, please write to us.

We are trying to collect stories and testimonials from everyday GNOME users that will help to encourage our developers, documenters, testers and artists. These can also be useful in encouraging wider adoption of GNOME - people generally will use what others are using.

Contributions can be attributed to the author or anonymous. If you don't mind them being used for other publicity purposes, please let us know that too. We will publish all reasonable submissions over time in the weekly GNOME summaries.

Please send your GNOME success stories to gnome-summary gnome org

Please note, that your submissions will be tagged with the Creative Commons License by default. The stories will be displayed on GNOME Summary on a week-to-week basis.

8. Writing Gnome Applets using Python Tutorial

Arturo Gonzalez has written a first draft of "GNOME aplets with Python Tutorial" is available. This is a great way of using Python to create some quick applets to do any number of things. If you have any comments, criticisms, and features regarding the tutorial, please contact Arturo.




9. Gcalctool - The Next Generation

Gcalctool has been receiving a lot of love from Sami Pietila as of late. He's been working on improving Gcalctool by fixing some of it's limitations. Namely, he's been working on handling arithmetic operator precedence, adding _expression_ parsing, and better handling of incorrect syntax of user input. Eventually this will lead to Gcalctool being able to use reverse polish notation (RPN). These are features that users have been requesting and now Sami is making them into a reality!

Gcalctool-ng is still a work in progress, and is currently being worked on in a separate CVS branch. You can obtain it through CVS by cvs co -r gcalctool-ng gcalctool. You can also get a tarball as well. Look in the links session.

The team would like feedback on the changes to Galctool-ng. So if you have a couple of moments to check out the tool please send some feedback to the team so they can continue making Gcalctool a superior tool for when you need to do calculations.


10. GtkFileChooserDialog now sets its size correctly

Federico Mena Quintero, the maintainer of GtkFileChooser, GTK's new file dialog box, sent out a public service announcement stating that he has fixed an important bug that set the dialog size too small. People added their own calls to gtk_window_set_default_size() to get around this problem. Federico requests that you no longer need to set your default size and you should remove it from your code.

11. GNOME Presentation Materials

Glynn Foster sent out mail regarding GNOME presentation materials. Those of you who are planning on participating in a conference and want to present talks or tutorails now have the opportunity to build on the work of others! Sevearl presentations are already available. So if there's a conference coming up and you want to help promote GNOME, this is the place to go.

Reciprocally, if you have presentations that you would like to share with others, please mail marketing-list gnome org with the URL of the location of your presentation. Language is no bar, the foundation board will accept any presentation.


12. GNOME Developer Platform API Docs Updated

Matthias Clasen has put in some work to update the GNOME Developer API docs to include all of the libraries that are part of the GNOME developer platform. Documentation, especially of the core API, is an important factor in GNOME adoption. Thanks Matthias!


13. GNOME file sharing

Alvaro Pena has been busily working on a file sharing add-on for Nautilus. The technology currently will use Apache or some other supported web server if it's installed on the system. It's an interesting feature and if you are interested in contributing or in giving some feedback on the current implementation, please join the gnome-network mailing list and participate!

The file-sharing Nautilus extension is available in GNOME CVS under the gnome-sharing module.


14. Freedesktop.org Platform Mailing List

Daniel Stone, release coordinator of freedesktop.org has set up a mailing list on discussing the fd.o platform. If you're interested please think of joining. Daniel sent this out last week and it was not covered in the GNOME Summary and decided it would be mentioned this week.

15. Inkscape 0.37 Release

A new version of Inkscape was released today. Inkscape includes many major features, bug fixes and an extensive code base clean up. Some of these includes, an SVG viewer, letter spacing, path outlining and many more! Also a tutorial for new users is included. Download and let Inkscape folks know whats going on. Looking at the screenshots, the HIG work looks nice.

Inkscape is an open source SVG editor with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, Visio, etc.




17. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity

This information is from http://bugzilla.gnome.org, which hosts bug and feature reports for most of the Gnome modules. If you would like to join the bug hunt, subscribe to the gnome-bugsquad mailing list.

Currently open: 10541 (In the last week: New: 690, Resolved: 806, Difference: -116)

Modules with the most open bugs (excluding enhancement requests):

Module Open Bugs New/Opened in last week Resolved in last week Difference
nautilus: 701 74 121 -47
gtk+: 636 34 42 -8
gnome-vfs: 259 6 8 -2
control-center: 255 11 16 -5
GnuCash: 226 12 4 +8
gnome-panel: 221 40 25 +15
gnome-applets: 155 28 25 +3
dia: 146 22 10 +12
galeon: 145 38 36 +2
GStreamer: 129 20 39 -19
sawfish: 120 1 0 +1
balsa: 119 5 15 -10
metacity: 115 12 10 +2
doxygen: 111 12 11 +1
Gnumeric: 108 11 7 +4

Gnome Bugzilla users who resolved or closed the most bugs:

Bug Hunter Bugs Resolved/Closed
bugsqueesher yahoo com: 98
hailstorm fairadsl co uk: 54
gnome flowerday cx: 28
otaylor redhat com: 24
sven gimp org: 22
daniel veillard com: 21
alexl redhat com: 19
maclas gmx de: 19
chpe+gnomebugz stud uni-saarland de: 18
poobar nycap rr com: 18
thomas apestaart org: 18
padraig obriain sun com: 17
marco gnome org: 16
louie ximian com: 16
ds schleef org: 16

16. Hacker Activity

Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.

Most active modules:
69 gimp
69 evolution
67 gtk+
57 epiphany
50 dashboard
46 gnomemeeting
44 gimp-help-2
42 muine
38 anjuta
35 nautilus
32 balsa
31 gnome-applets
30 conglomerate
28 beast
28 gnome-games
28 dasher
28 gnome-control-center
27 gok
27 gnumeric
25 gdesklets
[159 active modules omitted]
Most active hackers:
67 laurenti
54 danilo
42 nat
42 arafatmedini
40 fwang
39 serrador
38 neo
38 jbaayen
37 rayoster
35 alexl
34 mitr
30 matthiasc
28 kmaraas
25 menthos
25 timj
23 dsandras
23 breda
23 aflinta
22 adrighem
22 pycage
[186 active hackers omitted]

18. Translation status

Rank Language Status Changed
1. Czech 99.99% up 0.83%
Serbian 99.99% up 1.21%
3. Polish 99.94% up 0.89%
4. Spanish 99.75% up 0.83%
5. Korean 99.68% up 0.76%
6. German 99.37% up 0.72%
7. Greek 98.48% up 0.82%
8. Albanian 97.98% up 2.27%
9. Japanese 97.47% up 3.60%
10. Swedish 97.19% up 4.94%
11. Portuguese 96.69% down 0.29%
12. Norwegian bokmal 96.63% up 0.54%
13. Dutch 96.57% up 0.07%
14. Croatian 96.47% up 4.92%
15. Azerbaijani 96.27% up 1.05%
16. French 93.77% down 0.04%
17. Lithuanian 92.70% down 0.64%
18. Mongolian 90.61% up 3.14%
19. Danish 88.81% down 0.17%
20. Brazilian Portuguese 88.11% up 0.60%
21. Malay 88.04% down 0.02%
22. Italian 87.37% up 2.57%
23. Chinese Simplified 86.93% up 3.66%
24. Catalan 85.26% down 0.02%
25. Welsh 84.81% up 2.56%
26. Ukrainian 83.75% up 3.89%
27. Finnish 82.64% up 2.60%
28. Arabic 82.23% up 11.33%
29. Belarusian 80.43% up 2.44%
30. Turkish 79.95% up 0.67%
31. Slovak 75.34% down 0.2%
32. Chinese Traditional 73.76% up 0.14%
33. Vietnamese 71.35% down 0.14%
34. Slovenian 70.33% up 1.69%
35. Norwegian Nynorsk 69.80% up 1.13%
36. Russian 68.39% up 1.40%
37. Romanian 66.22% up 1.56%
38. Bengali 63.65% up 1.91%
39. Hindi 60.62% up 1.84%
40. Macedonian 60.52% up 1.82%
41. Hungarian 60.19% up 0.52%
42. Hebrew 58.70% up 1.77%
43. Indonesian 51.60% up 1.56%
44. Latvian 51.35% down 0.15%
45. Bulgarian 50.54% up 1.08%
46. Estonian 37.31% up 0.35%
47. Malayalam 33.35% up 0.79%
48. Wallon 32.57% down 0.52%
49. Icelandic 28.69% up 0.87%
50. Irish Gaelic 28.53% down 0.06%
51. Limburgish 24.12% up 0.73%
52. Amharic 23.17% down 0.04%
53. Galician 22.28% up 0.19%
54. Persian 21.65% up 0.64%
55. Tamil 20.93% up 0.63%
56. Basque 19.56% down 2.28%
57. Thai 16.90% up 0.82%
58. British English 12.23% up 0.37%
59. Nepali 11.73% up 0.35%
60. Yiddish 9.61% up 0.29%
61. Esperanto 8.47% up 0.26%
62. Kannada 4.82% up 0.14%
63. Marathi 3.19% up 0.10%
64. Afrikaans 1.04% up 0.03%
65. Bosnian 1.03% up 0.03%
66. Breton 0.79% up 0.02%
67. uz 0.35% up 0.01%
68. Interlingua 0.21% up 0.01%
69. Australian English 0.00% down 0.01%
Canadian English 0.00% no change
Cornish 0.00% no change
Gujarati 0.00% no change
Manx Gaelic 0.00% no change
Scots Gaelic 0.00% no change
Telugu 0.00% no change

17. New and Updated Software

For more information on these packages visit the GNOME Software map: http://www.gnome.org/softwaremap/latest.php
This is the GNOME Summary for 2004-02-08 - 2004-02-14
Table of Contents

1. GNOME Development Release 2.5.4
2. Release Update/Schedule Slip
3. List of GNOME Conferences
4. Appreciating the polish of GNOME
5. Evolution 1.5 Updates
6. BlueFOAF and Dashboard
7. You're GNOME Experience is valuable to us!
8. Writing Gnome Applets using Python Tutorial
9. Gcalctool - The Next Generation
10. GtkFileChooserDialog now sets its size correctly
11. GNOME Presentation Materials
12. GNOME Developer Platform API Docs Updated
13. GNOME file sharing
14. Freedesktop.org Platform Mailing List
15. Inkscape 0.37 Release
16. Hacker Activity
17. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity
18. Translation status
19. New and Updated Software

1. GNOME Development Release 2.5.4

Jeff has unleashed the latest development release of GNOME. Please help test 
and more importantly, file bugs against this release. Remember this is a 
development release of GNOME and is not considered to be stable. 


2. Release Update/Schedule Slip

Jeff Waugh, release coordinator for the GNOME releases gives us an update on 
the current GNOME release schedule. The schedule has been updated to take into 
account a two week slip in our release schedule due to a less than stellar test 
release dependability and waiting on a stable release of GTK+. Owen and the 
GTK+ team will be meeting next week to discuss the GTK+ schedule and the GNOME 
release schedule - which will be adapted to accommodate whatever plans become 
known from that meeting. 
Jeff states besides that, things are looking pretty solid, and the bug squad 
team has been doing a damn good job of applying bug spray to GNOME bugs. Jeff 
also notes that none of the freeze dates have changed due to the slip. 


3. List of GNOME Conferences

Malcolm Tredinnick, a GNOME Foundation Board Member has been maintaining a list 
of conferences that would be ideal to have GNOME represented at. Malcolm is 
interested in getting a complete list of conferences. So if you have a 
conference that you think GNOME should be represented at. Please contact 
Malcolm directly and send in your suggestion. 
In the future there will be a place at www.gnome.org that we can place all of 
the conference listings that will have or need GNOME representatives. You're 
input will help make the list more accurate. 


4. Appreciating the polish of GNOME

One of the big plus points of GNOME is that a lot of attention is paid to even 
the most minute detail, resulting in a highly polished and integrated system. 
Steven Garrity takes a look at some of the small "GUI perks" of GNOME, and 
points out some of the areas where GNOME goes beyond Windows XP or Mac OS X in 
terms of polish and overall integration. 


5. Evolution 1.5 Updates

Evolution 1.5 now properly displays what takes place while you drag folders, 
messages and other things around - and it looks really nifty. 
There have been other updates in Evolution too especially in the documentation 
section and mailer part, where there has been a lot of bug fixes. Use the 
version from CVS if you are facing stability issues with version 1.5.3. 


6. BlueFOAF and Dashboard

Edd Dumbill recently hacked BlueFOAF to talk to Dashboard. BlueFOAF discovers 
the people nearby, parses the FOAF information from them for useful stuff and 
sends it to Dashboard. 


7. You're GNOME Experience is valuable to us!

Do you use GNOME in your daily activities? At work? At home? Have you had the 
experience of having somebody else look at your nice GNOME desktop and ask 
about it? If so, and you would like to share your experiences, please write to 
We are trying to collect stories and testimonials from everyday GNOME users 
that will help to encourage our developers, documenters, testers and artists. 
These can also be useful in encouraging wider adoption of GNOME - people 
generally will use what others are using. 
Contributions can be attributed to the author or anonymous. If you don't mind 
them being used for other publicity purposes, please let us know that too. We 
will publish all reasonable submissions over time in the weekly GNOME 
Please send your GNOME success stories to gnome-summary gnome org  
Please note, that your submissions will be tagged with the Creative Commons 
License by default. The stories will be displayed on GNOME Summary on a 
week-to-week basis. 

8. Writing Gnome Applets using Python Tutorial

Arturo Gonzalez has written a first draft of "GNOME aplets with Python 
Tutorial" is available. This is a great way of using Python to create some 
quick applets to do any number of things. If you have any comments, criticisms, 
and features regarding the tutorial, please contact Arturo. 


9. Gcalctool - The Next Generation

Gcalctool has been receiving a lot of love from Sami Pietila as of late. He's 
been working on improving Gcalctool by fixing some of it's limitations. Namely, 
he's been working on handling arithmetic operator precedence, adding expression 
parsing, and better handling of incorrect syntax of user input. Eventually this 
will lead to Gcalctool being able to use reverse polish notation (RPN). These 
are features that users have been requesting and now Sami is making them into a 
Gcalctool-ng is still a work in progress, and is currently being worked on in a 
separate CVS branch. You can obtain it through CVS by cvs co -r gcalctool-ng 
gcalctool. You can also get a tarball as well. Look in the links session. 
The team would like feedback on the changes to Galctool-ng. So if you have a 
couple of moments to check out the tool please send some feedback to the team 
so they can continue making Gcalctool a superior tool for when you need to do 


10. GtkFileChooserDialog now sets its size correctly

Federico Mena Quintero, the maintainer of GtkFileChooser, GTK's new file dialog 
box, sent out a public service announcement stating that he has fixed an 
important bug that set the dialog size too small. People added their own calls 
to gtk_window_set_default_size() to get around this problem. Federico requests 
that you no longer need to set your default size and you should remove it from 
your code. 

11. GNOME Presentation Materials

Glynn Foster sent out mail regarding GNOME presentation materials. Those of you 
who are planning on participating in a conference and want to present talks or 
tutorails now have the opportunity to build on the work of others! Sevearl 
presentations are already available. So if there's a conference coming up and 
you want to help promote GNOME, this is the place to go. 
Reciprocally, if you have presentations that you would like to share with 
others, please mail marketing-list gnome org with the URL of the location of 
your presentation. Language is no bar, the foundation board will accept any 


12. GNOME Developer Platform API Docs Updated

Matthias Clasen has put in some work to update the GNOME Developer API docs to 
include all of the libraries that are part of the GNOME developer platform. 
Documentation, especially of the core API, is an important factor in GNOME 
adoption. Thanks Matthias! 


13. GNOME file sharing

Alvaro Pena has been busily working on a file sharing add-on for Nautilus. The 
technology currently will use Apache or some other supported web server if it's 
installed on the system. It's an interesting feature and if you are interested 
in contributing or in giving some feedback on the current implementation, 
please join the gnome-network mailing list and participate! 
The file-sharing Nautilus extension is available in GNOME CVS under the 
gnome-sharing module. 


14. Freedesktop.org Platform Mailing List

Daniel Stone, release coordinator of freedesktop.org has set up a mailing list 
on discussing the fd.o platform. If you're interested please think of joining. 
Daniel sent this out last week and it was not covered in the GNOME Summary and 
decided it would be mentioned this week. 

15. Inkscape 0.37 Release

A new version of Inkscape was released today. Inkscape includes many major 
features, bug fixes and an extensive code base clean up. Some of these 
includes, an SVG viewer, letter spacing, path outlining and many more! Also a 
tutorial for new users is included. Download and let Inkscape folks know whats 
going on. Looking at the screenshots, the HIG work looks nice. 
Inkscape is an open source SVG editor with capabilities similar to Illustrator, 
CorelDraw, Visio, etc. 


17. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity

This information is from http://bugzilla.gnome.org, which hosts bug and feature 
reports for most of the Gnome modules. If you would like to join the bug hunt, 
subscribe to the gnome-bugsquad mailing list.

Currently open: 10541 (In the last week: New: 690, Resolved: 806, Difference: 

Modules with the most open bugs (excluding enhancement requests): 

  nautilus: 701 (In the last week: New: 74, Resolved: 121, Difference: -47)
  gtk+: 636 (In the last week: New: 34, Resolved: 42, Difference: -8)
  gnome-vfs: 259 (In the last week: New: 6, Resolved: 8, Difference: -2)
  control-center: 255 (In the last week: New: 11, Resolved: 16, Difference: -5)
  GnuCash: 226 (In the last week: New: 12, Resolved: 4, Difference: +8)
  gnome-panel: 221 (In the last week: New: 40, Resolved: 25, Difference: +15)
  gnome-applets: 155 (In the last week: New: 28, Resolved: 25, Difference: +3)
  dia: 146 (In the last week: New: 22, Resolved: 10, Difference: +12)
  galeon: 145 (In the last week: New: 38, Resolved: 36, Difference: +2)
  GStreamer: 129 (In the last week: New: 20, Resolved: 39, Difference: -19)
  sawfish: 120 (In the last week: New: 1, Resolved: 0, Difference: +1)
  balsa: 119 (In the last week: New: 5, Resolved: 15, Difference: -10)
  metacity: 115 (In the last week: New: 12, Resolved: 10, Difference: +2)
  doxygen: 111 (In the last week: New: 12, Resolved: 11, Difference: +1)
  Gnumeric: 108 (In the last week: New: 11, Resolved: 7, Difference: +4)
Gnome Bugzilla users who resolved or closed the most bugs: 
  bugsqueesher yahoo com: 98 bugs closed.
  hailstorm fairadsl co uk: 54 bugs closed.
  gnome flowerday cx: 28 bugs closed.
  otaylor redhat com: 24 bugs closed.
  sven gimp org: 22 bugs closed.
  daniel veillard com: 21 bugs closed.
  alexl redhat com: 19 bugs closed.
  maclas gmx de: 19 bugs closed.
  chpe+gnomebugz stud uni-saarland de: 18 bugs closed.
  poobar nycap rr com: 18 bugs closed.
  thomas apestaart org: 18 bugs closed.
  padraig obriain sun com: 17 bugs closed.
  marco gnome org: 16 bugs closed.
  louie ximian com: 16 bugs closed.
  ds schleef org: 16 bugs closed.
16. Hacker Activity

Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.

Most active modules:
 69 gimp
 69 evolution
 67 gtk+
 57 epiphany
 50 dashboard
 46 gnomemeeting
 44 gimp-help-2
 42 muine
 38 anjuta
 35 nautilus
 32 balsa
 31 gnome-applets
 30 conglomerate
 28 beast
 28 gnome-games
 28 dasher
 28 gnome-control-center
 27 gok
 27 gnumeric
 25 gdesklets
[159 active modules omitted]

Most active hackers:
 67 laurenti
 54 danilo
 42 nat
 42 arafatmedini
 40 fwang
 39 serrador
 38 neo
 38 jbaayen
 37 rayoster
 35 alexl
 34 mitr
 30 matthiasc
 28 kmaraas
 25 menthos
 25 timj
 23 dsandras
 23 breda
 23 aflinta
 22 adrighem
 22 pycage
[186 active hackers omitted]

18. Translation status

   1.	Czech			 99.99%	   up 0.83%
   	Serbian			 99.99%	   up 1.21%
   3.	Polish			 99.94%	   up 0.89%
   4.	Spanish			 99.75%	   up 0.83%
   5.	Korean			 99.68%	   up 0.76%
   6.	German			 99.37%	   up 0.72%
   7.	Greek			 98.48%	   up 0.82%
   8.	Albanian		 97.98%	   up 2.27%
   9.	Japanese		 97.47%	   up 3.60%
   10.	Swedish			 97.19%	   up 4.94%
   11.	Portuguese		 96.69%	 down 0.29%
   12.	Norwegian bokmal	 96.63%	   up 0.54%
   13.	Dutch			 96.57%	   up 0.07%
   14.	Croatian		 96.47%	   up 4.92%
   15.	Azerbaijani		 96.27%	   up 1.05%
   16.	French			 93.77%	 down 0.04%
   17.	Lithuanian		 92.70%	 down 0.64%
   18.	Mongolian		 90.61%	   up 3.14%
   19.	Danish			 88.81%	 down 0.17%
   20.	Brazilian Portuguese	 88.11%	   up 0.60%
   21.	Malay			 88.04%	 down 0.02%
   22.	Italian			 87.37%	   up 2.57%
   23.	Chinese Simplified	 86.93%	   up 3.66%
   24.	Catalan			 85.26%	 down 0.02%
   25.	Welsh			 84.81%	   up 2.56%
   26.	Ukrainian		 83.75%	   up 3.89%
   27.	Finnish			 82.64%	   up 2.60%
   28.	Arabic			 82.23%	   up 11.33%
   29.	Belarusian		 80.43%	   up 2.44%
   30.	Turkish			 79.95%	   up 0.67%
   31.	Slovak			 75.34%	 down 0.2%
   32.	Chinese Traditional	 73.76%	   up 0.14%
   33.	Vietnamese		 71.35%	 down 0.14%
   34.	Slovenian		 70.33%	   up 1.69%
   35.	Norwegian Nynorsk	 69.80%	   up 1.13%
   36.	Russian			 68.39%	   up 1.40%
   37.	Romanian		 66.22%	   up 1.56%
   38.	Bengali			 63.65%	   up 1.91%
   39.	Hindi			 60.62%	   up 1.84%
   40.	Macedonian		 60.52%	   up 1.82%
   41.	Hungarian		 60.19%	   up 0.52%
   42.	Hebrew			 58.70%	   up 1.77%
   43.	Indonesian		 51.60%	   up 1.56%
   44.	Latvian			 51.35%	 down 0.15%
   45.	Bulgarian		 50.54%	   up 1.08%
   46.	Estonian		 37.31%	   up 0.35%
   47.	Malayalam		 33.35%	   up 0.79%
   48.	Wallon			 32.57%	 down 0.52%
   49.	Icelandic		 28.69%	   up 0.87%
   50.	Irish Gaelic		 28.53%	 down 0.06%
   51.	Limburgish		 24.12%	   up 0.73%
   52.	Amharic			 23.17%	 down 0.04%
   53.	Galician		 22.28%	   up 0.19%
   54.	Persian			 21.65%	   up 0.64%
   55.	Tamil			 20.93%	   up 0.63%
   56.	Basque			 19.56%	 down 2.28%
   57.	Thai			 16.90%	   up 0.82%
   58.	British English		 12.23%	   up 0.37%
   59.	Nepali			 11.73%	   up 0.35%
   60.	Yiddish			  9.61%	   up 0.29%
   61.	Esperanto		  8.47%	   up 0.26%
   62.	Kannada			  4.82%	   up 0.14%
   63.	Marathi			  3.19%	   up 0.10%
   64.	Afrikaans		  1.04%	   up 0.03%
   65.	Bosnian			  1.03%	   up 0.03%
   66.	Breton			  0.79%	   up 0.02%
   67.	uz			  0.35%	   up 0.01%
   68.	Interlingua		  0.21%	   up 0.01%
   69.	Australian English	  0.00%	 down 0.01%
   	Canadian English	  0.00%	 no change
   	Cornish			  0.00%	 no change
   	Gujarati		  0.00%	 no change
   	Manx Gaelic		  0.00%	 no change
   	Scots Gaelic		  0.00%	 no change
   	Telugu			  0.00%	 no change

19. New and Updated Software

Gfax  - fax hylafax efax facsimile
CVSGnome Build Script  - CVSGnome Build Script
PopWash  - pop3 filtering tool
gURLChecker  - Graphic web links checker
Devhelp  - API docs browser
Gnome CD Master  - CD Mastering and Burning app
GtkSourceView  - Source editor widget
BEAST/BSE  - Synthesis/Audio Framework
The GNOME XML toolkit  - The GNOME XML toolkit
gnome-mud  - GNOME-Mud is a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) client, which aims to make 
mudding a bit easier. It can define aliases, triggers, variables. keybind 
shortcuts and has a connection wizard to easily manage different player 
characters and MUDs. GNOME-Mud is the
gnome-crystal  - Crystalline structures visualizer
Meld  - Meld: a diff and merge tool.
Muine  - Music player
gnocl  - A GTK+ / Gnome extension for Tcl
Sodipodi  - Vector drawing program
gramps  - GNOME based genealogy program
Gossip  - GNOME 2 Instant messaging client
rubrica  - address book, pim
Dlume  - An easy to use address book.
Gnome Chemistry Utils  - chemical widgets for gnome-2

For more information on these packages visit the GNOME Software map: 

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