ghelp:// opened in Nautilus instead of gnome-help or similar

One of my colleagues has a problem with GNOME help on Red Hat 9; he has

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gconf><entry name="description" mtime="1068646997" muser="helge" type="string"><stringvalue>Gnome documentation</stringvalue></entry><entry name="command" mtime="1068646997" muser="helge" type="string"><stringvalue>yelp &quot;%s&quot;</stringvalue></entry><entry name="command-id" mtime="1068646997" muser="helge" type="string"><stringvalue>232459c8-f36a-4e04-af88-7c88082b9331</stringvalue></entry><entry name="type" mtime="1068646997" muser="helge" type="bool" value="true"/></gconf>

and the setting looks the same in the File types and programs window, but whenever he presses "Help" in a programs, a "ghelp" URL is passed to Nautlius, which displays the *source* of the document, instead of "yelp". Same thing if he tries changing value to "gnome-help" (or actually, that was the original setting, I think.)

This does not happen for my user account.

What is wrong here? Looks like a bug to me, but is there a way around it?

- Toralf

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