Re: Galeon?

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 23:05, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 12:54, Alex wrote:
> > Is galeon no longer part of red hat, just because galeon is not an
> > official gnome package? Its bad enough that i have to piece meal my
> > multimedia stuff from other sites (which is understandable, due to
> > patent and copyright issues) but red hat is sending the message that
> > galeon is inferior to konqueror, mozilla, epiphany, lynx, and links.
> Isn't it installed by default? Have you sought out the binary? If not,
> have you checked the installation CD's to see of the package lives
> there? Else, you can grab the package from RedCarpet (Ximian's latest
> version of RC is 2)

I was referring to it being dropped from rawhide, it is in red hat 9 but it doesn't look like it will be in the next release

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