Panel applet: Menu missing + problems debugging

Asked this question on gnome-list gnome org, but no response yet, so I thought I might try here:

I have developed an GNOME 2 panel applet (or rather, ported it from GNOME 1) that works mostly fine, but the right-click menu isn't displayed. The code I'm using to add the menu is included below (there will actually be more buttons, but I'm trying the simple case first.) Can anyone find anything wrong with it? Also the main reason why I can't get it to work is that I don't know how to debug a panel applet. What can I do if I want to display debug output from it, or run it through a debugger?

  static const BonoboUIVerb menuVerbs[] = {
    BONOBO_UI_VERB("IntranetAbout", about),

  static const char menu[]="<Root>\n"
    "  <popups>\n"
    "    <popup name=\"button3\">\n"
" <menuitem name=\"about\" verb=\"IntranetAbout\" label=\"About...\"\n"
    "                pixtype=\"stock\" pixname=\"gnome-stock-about\"/>\n"
    "    </popup>\n"
    "  </popups>\n"
panel_applet_setup_menu(PANEL_APPLET(applet), menu, menuVerbs, applet);

- Toralf

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