Re: INSTALLATION of GNOME compliant programs...

On Fri, 2003-04-25 at 23:37, Anthony Yulo wrote:
> Ei. i'm just new to linux and i'm getting help installing programs in linux 
> mostly from reference books... and the book isntructs that installing 
> programs is using the "tar" command and then after that "./configure" on the 
> directory created by tar... and then "make install" right? now  to run the 
> program i need to execute the script of that program in a TErminal window...

Some programs don't necessarily "insert" themselves into the Gnome menus
- but you can create a launcher for that program, or you can use
Nautilus to navigate TO the program binary and drag it onto your desktop
to create a launcher for it.

> But i want to make an entry in the Gnome Programs Menu, (icon entry), so 
> that I can just click on that icon everytime i want to run a program.. i 
> don't have to manually type the script in a shell...

You can modify this by opening Nautilus and in the URL field type:
applications :///

You'll then see the VFS entries for the menu(s) and can then make
launchers, or drag'n'drop items where you wish them to be...

> another question if i installed the program, by "make install", isn't the 
> program and other files will be copied to the usr/bin directory?

You can use the "./configure --prefix=" to specifically point where you
want your program data and binaries to live. Some programs tend to stick
your binaries into the /usr/local/bin directory, so if you want them in
the /usr/bin directory, you can use "./configure --prefix=/usr" instead.

> Also, when i save the source file (.tar.gz file) in my home directory.. so 
> everytime i execute the tar command, it generates a new subdirectory on my 
> home directory... can i delete that subdirectory after installing?

After you've compiled and installed the program, you can blow out all
the directories created after you untar/ungzip the source. Unless, for
some strange reason, you want to keep that stuff cluttering up your
drive. Otherwise, they're useless aftwards.

Hope that helps ya out mate!

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