Re: many questions on gnomeprint/gnomeprintui

On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 00:32 -0500, Denis Auroux wrote:
> On a more general level, is there any good documentation or howto ?
> The HTML docs are very deficient, and the howtos I found on the web seem
> to all date back to a time when libgnomeprint didn't actually exist yet.
> The source code is useful to some extent, but the overall architecture
> looks really complicated.

I look at the source code and other applications using gnome-print. If
you miss something there, just ask.

> 1. Selecting a printer without going through a gnome-print-dialog
> I'd like my app to have a "print to PDF" feature that generates a PDF
> file with minimal amount of user interaction. 

Do you need the gnome-print-dialog for that?

> I've read in the docs that libgnomeprint is supposed to know how to
> render partial transparency even when the underlying devices can't do it.
> All my attempts at rendering partially transparent strokes with 
> gnome_print_setopacity(gpc, 0.5);
> gnome_print_newpath(gpc);
> // a moveto and a sequence of lineto
> gnome_print_stroke(gpc);
> have given completely opaque outputs. (I'm using libgnomeprint 2.10.3,
> let me know if this has been fixed since then). 

I've fixed some issues related to transparency a couple of months ago.
I'd try the latest version.

> As far as I can tell, gnome-print-job-preview isn't stable at all (at least
> in version 2.10.1 of libgnomeprintui -- I haven't checked the latest
> version, but anyway I want my app to work with the libraries that people 
> typically already have on their machines, if at all possible). For example
> one can cut pages until there are no pages left and then everything crashes, 
> and that's just one of many examples.

Could you list them? Like that, I'll be able to fix the bugs one after

> Is there a trimmed-down version of gnome-print-job-preview which doesn't
> offer any of the unstable editing "features"?

Not yet. gedit needs one, but as it probably involves changing the

> Why isn't there an option
> to set how much bells-and-whistles one wants the preview to have ?

Because no one has worked on it yet.

> 4. Inserting EPS or PDF fragments
> If I know for sure that I'm rendering to a PS or PDF printer, is there
> any way of inserting EPS or PDF fragments into the output ?

No. Either use libgnomeprint's API or generate the PS/PDF-file outside
libgnomeprint. Or (as always) propose a patch.

Lutz Müller <lutz topfrose de>

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