Preferences->Default Printer


I got a Fedora bug report that we no longer provided a way to set the
default printer:

This was something that printman did, but since for Fedora we've
essentially broken up printman into separate pieces, we had planned to
get rid of it.  

I think ideally, each application would remember the last printer you
selected.  But we're not to that point where every application uses
libgnomeprint.  So I wrote up a little capplet to do this using

Right now it's called gnome-default-printer.c in the eggcups module.  If
people would like I could move it to control-center.  But we have rather
a large amount of varying and semi-overlapping functionality in the
GNOME printing modules, so I thought it made sense to put it in eggcups
since you probably don't want gnome-default-printer if you distribute

Just thought I'd mention this here for comments, UI suggestions, etc.

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