[gnome-print] libgnomeprint 2.1.1 question


I'm currently updating Mandrake cooker to GNOME 2.1.1 and I've found
some problems with libgnomeprint 2.1.1 :

in short : it is not parallel installable with libgnomeprint 2.0.x,
because it try to install some files (the libgnomeprint-2.0-font-install
binary, the .gmo files, and some data files in

Is it wanted (since libgnomeprint 2.1.x is not ABI compatible with
2.0.x) ? Or are those files supposed to replace files from 2.0.x and
libgnomeprint 2.0.x library will still be able to use them ?

In the same area, I think I've found a bug in
libgnomeprint/gpa/gpa-media.c and gpa-vendor.c =>
DATADIR/gnome-print-2.0 is used to search for media/media.xml and
vendors files but these files (from libgnomeprint/data) are installed in
DATADIR/gnome-print-2.2/.. My guess this is a missing search&replace
(maybe the code should be changed to use a #define positionned on gcc
command line..) BTW, this is causing segfault in gedit..

Frederic Crozat <fcrozat@mandrakesoft.com>

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